Saturday, August 3, 2024

Stitch The Summer Olympics: Day 9

Day Nine and the subject today is Rowing.  We were to stitch something with a row or border.  I chose to start Autumn  Garden by The Scarlett House.  This was an exclusive by The Silver Needle and was a gift I received in an exchange.  I really love Autumn colors (and after the heat from the last few days I am dreaming of cooler days!)  I've been stitching off and on today on that fence...and I'm soooo glad it's finished!  I hate to put it away for the night but I'm tired after 609 stitches!  

I had a relatively busy day considering I haven't done much for almost a  Mostly I was messaging friends today, watching the Olympics, and getting some stitching in finally!  I'm not sure what I'll be doing tomorrow...but for now I'm headed to bed. I'm finally fever free and it feels great!  Stay cool, stay safe...and stay healthy!  Happy Stitching!  

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

What a lovely choice for Day 9. Yay on getting the picket fence in!