Friday, August 2, 2024

Stitch the Summer Olympics: Day 8

Whew!  I think I'm finally caught up in the postings.  Today is Day 8 of the is Beach Volleyball.  We are to stitch something that has more than one person.  I chose Starry Stable (Nativity) SAL by Tempting Tangles.  This is stitched on 32 count light blue over two.  The  SAL is still ongoing, and only 4 parts have been published so far.  So...I'm all caught up with the stitch today.  

I'm feeling better today but still not 100% so I think I'll stitch on something else for the rest of the day, and prepare my project for tomorrow too.  It's supposed to be 110 with the heat index today so I'm staying put  and hoping the thunderstorms predicted for tonight aren't too severe.  On these hot days they tend to get pretty wicked.  So..stay safe, stay cool, and stay healthy!  Happy Stitching! 


Clare-Aimetu said...

Perfect design for the volleyball, what will you do with all your pieces after the Olympics. Glad you feel better, stay cool

Robin in Virginia said...

What a wonderful piece you worked on for Day 8! Love!