Sunday, August 4, 2024

Stitch The Summer Olympics: Day 10

It's Day 10...and what a day it's been!  Today the theme was Olympic Village and we were supposed to stitch on something with a house.  I started to stitch on Sarah Sanderson (which was my anniversary gift this year from my husband which I LOVE) but even though the pattern has a house on it, it was no where near where I was stitching, so I abandoned that idea, and chose Autumn Garden instead.  The stitchy fairies were not with me today, I didn't make much progress, but at least you can see the start of the house.  I really like this pattern...I hated to put it down, but you  Here is my progress...  

So today was my anniversary.  40 years with my trophy husband.  

It's hard to believe it's been 40 years.  It seems to have gone by in a flash but I still feel like the luckiest woman in the world.  From moving our belongings almost the whole circumference of the finally buying our own home....from being parents to grandparents...from heart throb to sickness and in health...we weathered it all together.  I thought it was impossible to love you more than I did this day 40 years ago...but I found out not only was it possible, it was beyond measure.  I love you always and all ways.  Happy Anniversary, my Love.  

Ironically we didn't spend it as we thought we would.  We were planning a trip...but found out our kids needed us to babysit tomorrow.  We abandoned those plans (don't worry we will think of something later) and decided a quiet weekend at home would suffice for now.  Instead we got and spent the week before lounging around passing germs back and forth.  You know....the "in sickness and in health" part of those wedding vows.  We thought we would order dinner from one of our favorite restaurants and dine in tonight when we ended up having to babysit this evening while her parents made a trip to the ER.  Life is just full of those unexpected turn of events.'s to 40 more years of rolling with the punches.  Next anniversary, let's try to REALLY get out of town and have some fun!  

Meanwhile, back to the blog...tune in tomorrow when I'll barely get any stitching done while Little Miss, Trophy Husband and I have a day full of fun and laughter.  Happy Stitching!   


Robin in Virginia said...

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband, DJ! Wishing you both much happiness for the next 40! Great start on your house!

diamondc said...

Congratulations on forty years, nowadays the in sickness and in health is not heard of, yes he is a trophy husband, so adorable, love his shirt.
Any stitching is good, a few a day even works for me.
We do date night or date lunch once a week, I love having time with my husband and just talking over a dinner or lunch.
Have an amazing day.
