Monday, August 5, 2024

Stitch The Summer Olympics: Day 11

It's Day 11...I feel like I"m writing a journal about a stand!!  Today the theme was Gymnastics and we were to stitch something choreographed by our favorite designer.  I chose Flower Tray Set by Jeannette Douglas Designs.  This is stitched on 36 count Legacy over two and I'm using the embellishment packet that was created for it with specialty silk floss and beads.  I love all the specialty stitches, and using the silk is making it lovely and so smooth to stitch.  You'll have to forgive me if I'm not making too much sense.  Little Miss Sassy pants arrived last night unexpectedly and we had her overnight...and most of the day.  While I think I'm over covid...I'm not back up to snuff so to speak.  She's so much fun...but I just don't have all my energy back, so I'm exhausted. are my progress pictures.  

I love my husband, don't get me wrong, but I'm soooo ready for him to go back to work.  I just need a day with nobody asking for things, or needing my attention.  And with a little luck, Max the cat will let me sleep in.  Wish me luck!  I'm not sure what's on the agenda for tomorrow...and I think I'll just wait  until morning to find out.   I'm just  Have a great day tomorrow...and Happy Stitching! 


jocondine said...

Waouh, I was late on reading blogs and I only catch up on your Olympics programme this morning. Well done! And that Eiffel tower for Paris 2024 is lovely. Keep stitching, medals will come soon! xxx

Robin in Virginia said...

Beautiful start, DJ! And I love the fabric color you are using.

diamondc said...

DJ: Love this design, very pretty, Jeannette Douglas design have evolved through the years, I have had a class with her she is amazing.
It is hard not having a full day to yourself, I have had many.
I hope Max lets you sleep in.
