It's been a pretty crazy week...but the good news is that I have finally had time to get some stitching done. A feat I may not be able to repeat next week...
Let me start with my TUSAL or totally useless stitch a long. If you are curious about this and want to know what we are up to check out Daffycat's blog and she will explain. We are collecting orts...why? I think it's a great way to show how much stitching you've been getting done. I didn't think to separate out the threads for just this month, so I have all the orts (old ratty threads) since the beginning of the year. I added some snowman salt and pepper shakers as decorations because even though it's supposed to be's still snowing. Even today it snowed enough that it made the roads a slushy mess at the mall, and it's still snowing as I type. How can this be? Tomorrow is opening day for the Baltimore Orioles...the boys of summer can't play ball in the snow, can they? Anyway, here's my TUSAL...

I have to was an unwritten rule that we were supposed to be on a stash diet, using up things we had sitting around the house for projects. I've fallen off the band wagon HARD!! Scrolling through my favorite sites a month or so ago I discovered a Mystery SAL through Passione Ricamo and I just HAD to sign up. I don't know what possessed me...then I had to have fabric, floss, specialty threads and beads etc. I know....and the awful truth is that I haven't let the folks at Friendly Stitchers know because I know the abuse harassment good-natured teasing will never end. Let's see how many Friendly Stitchers read my blog...LOL!! Let the tattling begin!! Here's my progress so far...

Here's another confession...I'm really a glutton for punishment aren't I? I collected all the "sheep virtues" from Little House Needleworks last year. I decided I wanted to stitch them all on banding and make a banner of them. Before I could find the banding I wanted, I saw them all stitched in a "box" shape with another piece stitched in the middle on Facebook. I searched until I found the pattern they used in the middle (Sheep in the Meadow by Country Cottage Needleworks) bought the fabric and the floss and yes...I started it this week in a weak moment. I told you I fall hard when I fall off the wagon!!! Here's my progress. I'm stitching this on 28 count over one...I know...glutton for punishment...LOL

Gillie and I decided to start our own SAL to keep each other on track and try to finish up this lovely pattern from Rosewood Manner called Quaker Diamonds. I don't remember the name of the fabric (I'm pretty sure I used the fabric they suggested, but I'm stitching it over one linen thread instead of two). I'll be working on this on Wednesdays (though this coming Wednesday is going to be insanely busy) and hoping to finish one motif a week. Wish us luck!! Here's my progress so far...
I'll leave you with a shot of Marsha this week. Astrid and I have been traveling in different circles lately. We strong-armed a visit in Friday just so we could say hi, and Astrid could show me the newest member of her family. I'm not sure what she named him yet, but Marsha has a new companion. He's slightly bigger, and squeaks LOL!! But I think they are going to be best buds just like Astrid and me! Here they are reclining on her Trick or Treat Fairy that she worked so hard on! Isn't she lovely?
Gillie has signed me up for another SAL and as soon as I get the pattern I'll be starting that up as well. I know...glutton...LOL
Off to snuggle up and get warm, it's definitely chilly today. Hopefully it will be a bit warmer's opening day for the Baltimore Orioles, so I guess you'll know where I'll be!! Let's Go O's!!
Well, I can't believe how much time has passed since my last post. YIKES!! Where does the time go?
The past couple of weeks have been slightly controlled chaos around here. I started a new Woman's Bible study, I started a new cross stitch chart (I call it my travel pattern, because it's small enough to keep handy when I'm going someplace to stitch), I'm about to start TWO SALs which are both rather large, I agreed to stitch along with Gillie on Quaker Diamonds once a week, I signed up to work with middle school girls one night a week with the youth group at church, and I talked my husband into doing a Beth Moore Bible study which includes homework five days a week along with the hour long video session once a week. Thankfully I finished up an exchange with Friendly Stitcher's and got that sent out in time before I left for a 4 day weekend with my husband...a little R&R after our 5 week long separation while I was in New York taking care of my Mom. I'm behind in making crosses for church, and I still have gifts to buy/make for my St. Michaels weekend coming up in May. Have I bitten off more than I can chew? Probably!! Do I have time to search for a job, since we could really use a little extra income? Definitely not!! Is my life going to be rich and busy and chaotic and joyful and insane...Most Definitely!! Am I beyond exhaustion? Well...maybe not beyond, but getting close! LOL
I haven't had much time for stitching the past week. I did start the travel one I mentioned before. It is a Lizzie Kate pattern, called Spread the Love of God. I had to laugh once I got started. The verse says Spread the Love of God through your life. Use words when necessary. The only how the words are laid out, it looks like it says Use swords when necessary. My husband and I got the biggest giggle out of it. Here's what it should look like finished....
and my feeble attempt at a start...
I sent off my exchange last Monday and it was received by my partner while I was away. Here is my first attempt at finishing a flat fold. I thought it turned out nice, and loved it so much I was reluctant to send it off. I can't tell if my partner liked it or are a few pictures of what it looked like...
I received a lovely ornament in exchange from Meari. She admitted she liked the piece she stitched as well and would have liked to keep it for herself. It's beautifully stitched and finished and I will find the perfect place to display it once the dust settles around here! It is stitched in my favorite colors too. I really do love it!! Thank you so much Meari. I hope you weren't too disappointed with what I stitched for you!
So...You met Marsha a few entries back. She has been on a few adventures since I last posted her picture. Last Wednesday she started out on an almost week long is what she's been up to this past week.
She started out going to a dinner theater with my husband, and another couple. It was a good time there at Toby's...can you tell what we saw?
We spent a chilly day at Astrid's helping her frame a picture for a gift for a friend, so Marsha was toasting herself a bit by the fire...
Then we took a little trip down south. Here she is relaxing at a few places...
sailing the 7 seas...
making history with George Washington...
and enjoying some very good restaurants!!
A good time was had by all...I can't wait to see what Masha's next adventure will be...stay tuned!
It has been such an unusual March...with the month starting out with a significant, snow, rain, thunder...I can't get over the weather. Now tomorrow it's supposed to have a high in the 70's, the next day a high in the 30's. Crazy, crazy weather. AND...they are expecting 6-12 inches of snow in Norther New York where my Mom lives. I'm sorry the weather will be bad there, but so thankful I'm home where at least we aren't expecting snow!!
I've been stitching here and there...working a wee bit on Renouveau...this is being stitched over one linen thread, and with all the large areas of concentrated stitching, it's been a little difficult...but I still like the way it's coming out.
So today I picked up Quaker Diamonds just for something different. I am stitching this over one, against their advice of stitching the motifs and larger letters over two and the smaller letters over one. Instead I am backstitching the smaller letters. Any comments? I'm not sure if I like the smaller letters, I'm thinking of just leaving them out. Any suggestions?
I need to get my act together and put my exchange piece together. I just haven't had time to get out and get the materials needed to put it together. I really haven't had the heart to stitch much lately either. I guess I'm losing my mojo...
Hopefully I'll have more to report soon...till then, happy stitching!
Well, I feel like I can finally come up for air!! I've been stitching my fingers to the bone, trying to make up for all those weeks I was away from home! I can't show all the projects I've been stitching on as one is for an exchange but I can show you the others.
I almost forgot to take a picture of my TUSAL in March, since I wasn't home to take it in January. Here are all the orts from this year so far.
First off is LHN Neighborhood...this is a Round Robin I am involved in with the Friendly Stitchers. This one belongs to Mouse. You can see the area I stitched, it has my "name" next to it. This was a lot of fun to stitch on, mainly because it was snowing madly the few days I worked on it so since I had no place to go...let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! I have taken the pictures, packed it up and it is winging it's way to the UK as I type! One more stop before it lands with it's owner. I'm not sure where mine is at the moment, but I can't wait to see it!!

I made a little resolution at the end of last year that I would try to stitch two ornaments a month this year to try to prevent the mad dash at Christmas time. I realized after the first of this month that I had missed February entirely. So....yesterday and today I decided to catch up on my goals and have stitched four ornaments. Yesterday I made these two hearts (perfect for February, don't you think?). Each are from Midnight from Heart Struck Friends, the other from Heart Struck Quakers.
And today I stitched Joy and this Santa. Santa is from a Leisure Arts book, Christmas Remembered, I think...and Joy is from a website I found through Pinterest. I believe she calls herself Big Mammy and I found quite a few charming ornaments. You can find her blog here.
Most of the ornaments have been stitched over one, some on 25 count, some on 32 count. Joy was stitched over two on 40 count. It's a bit big for my taste so I may restitch it over one, we'll have to see how I feel the next time I am in the mood to stitch for Christmas.
I just got off the phone from talking with my Mom. She sounds pretty good...but the best news is that my nephew has moved in with her so she isn't alone. I was worried leaving her without someone there to watch over her, so now I will sleep much better knowing someone is there taking care of her.
Now that my "obligatory" stitching is over with, I can resume stitching on WIPs that have been crying for attention. Where to start? I really should set up some kind of rotation...but in the immortal words of Scarlett O'Hara..."Tomorrow is another day!" Yes...I shall think about that tomorrow...after my next round of medical appointments are done.
I leave you with a sweet picture I took of my son when he was about 3 years old. We had friends visit who had a grand daughter the same age as my son. They were sitting sweetly after just having finished eating ice cream and I thought they looked so cute together. As I rose my camera to take their picture, my son's little friend took us all by surprise!! Now that they are both 18, it's been fun digging out older pictures of the kids and reminiscing. My son is not amused. LOL I just love the look on his face!
Have a wonderful stitch-filled day!