2025 Goals

Things I would like to start:

1.  The Romantic Stitcher by Passione Ricamo Started 2-18-2025

2.  Snow Place Like Home by Primrose Cottage  Started 1-1-2025  Finished 1-6-2025

3.  Though He Seemeth Sleeping by Lucy Beam


WIPs I would like to finish:

1.  Sarah A. Sanderson 1872 by The Scarlett House stitched on 46 count Valley Forge by Needle and Flax over two with NPI silks started 7-26-2024

2.  The Christmastide Sampler by Hands on Design stitched on 32 count Chalk Blackboard over two.  Started 12-24-2024  Finished 1-5-2025

3.  Happy Snowman Stocking by Dimensions stitched on 18 count white canvas.  Started  5-1-2024

4.  Flower Tray Set by Jeannette Douglas Designs stitched on 36 count Legacy over two.  Started 8-5-2024

5.  Santa's 12 Days of Christmas by Prairie Schooler stitched on Vintage Country Mocha over one.

6.  Merry Christmas by Owl Forest Designs stitched on 36 count Summer Khaki over two.


Actual Starts:

 1.  Snowplace Like Home by Primrose Cottage.  Stitched on 36 count Vintage Country Mocha over two.  Started 1-1-2025  Finished 1-6-2025

2.  Fiona Rutherford Sampler 1866 by The Wishing Thorn.  Stitched on 28 count coffee dyed fabric over one.  Started 1-6-025  Finished 1-12-2025

3.  Gather Round - Winter by Hands On Design.  Set of three.  Stitched on 32 count Vintage Smokey White over two.  Started 1-13-2025  Finished 1-23-2025  

4.  The Romantic Stitcher by Passione Ricamo stitched on 32 count natural over two.  Started 2-18-2025


Actual Finishes:

1.  Christmastide Sampler SAL by Hands on Design stitched on 32 count Chalkboard Black over two.  Started 12-25-2025 Finished 1-5-2025

2.  Snowplace Like Home by Primrose Cottage stitched on 36 count Vintage Country Mocha over two with DMC floss.  Finished 1-5-2025

3.  Fiona Rutherford 1866 by The Wishing Thorn stitched on 28 count mystery coffee dyed fabric over one with DMC floss.  Finished 1-12-2025

4.  Gather Pinecone Series Pinecone Cabin by Hands On Design.  Stitched on 32 count Vintage Smoky White over two.  Finished 1-15-2025

5.  Pansy Wreath by Janlynn stitched on 40 antique white over two.  Finished 1-17-2025

6.  Mary and Jesus Stained Glass by Snoflake Stitchery from the 2019 JCS Ornament Issue stitched on 28 count black over one.  Finished 1-18-2025

7.  Quilted Pinecones by Hands On Designs stitched on 32 count Vintage Smokey White over two.  Finished 1-22-2025

8.  Gather Pinecones by Hands On Design stitched on 32 count Vintage Smokey White over two (letters over one).  Finished 1-23-2025

9.  Christmastide Ornament by Hands on Design stitched on 32 count Chalkboard Black over two.  Finished 1-25-2025

10.  Second R From Merry Christmas by  Owl Forest Designs stitched on 36 count Summer Khaki over two.  Finished 1-27-2025

11.   Y from Merry Christmas by Owl Forest Designs stitched on 32 count Summer Khaki over two.  Finished 1-28-2025

12.  C from Merry Christmas by Owl Forest Designs stitched on 32 count Summer Khaki over two.  Finished 1-30-2025

13.  H from Merry Christmas by Owl Forest Designs stitched on 32 count Summer Khaki over two.  Finished 2-2-2025

14.  You Have My Heart by Hands on Design stitched on 40 count natural over two.  Finished 3-4-2025

15.  Fruit of the Heart by Jan Hicks Creates stitched on 32 count antique ivory over one.  Finished 2-6-2025

16.  Opalescent Heart by The Sweetheart Tree stitched on 32 count natural linen over two.  Finished 2-9-2025

17.  Valentine's Day 2013 by Passione Ricamo stitched on 28 count Ivory over two.  Finished 2-9-2025

18.  Rose Heart by Roberta Rankin stitched on 40 count antique white over two.  Finished 2-10-2025

19.  Bee My Valentine by Primrose Cottage stitched on 40 count Mayflower over two.  Finished 2-12-2025

20.  Cardinal Couple by My Lovely Embroidery stitched on 28 count Confederate Grey over one.  Finished 2-17-2025


Fully Finished Items:

1.  Mary and Jesus Stained Glass by Snoflake Stitchery from the 2019 JCS Ornament Issue stitched on 28 count black over one.  Fully Finished 1-19-2025

2.  Pansy Wreath by Janlynn stitched on 40 antique white over two.  Fully Finished 1-19-2025

3.   Snowplace Like Home by Primrose Cottage stitched on 36 count Vintage Country Mocha over two with DMC floss.  Fully Finished 1-19-2025

4.  Fiona Rutherford 1866 by The Wishing Thorn stitched on 28 count mystery coffee dyed fabric over one with DMC floss. Fully Finished 1-19-2025

5.  Singing Sparrow by Sweet Wing Studio stitched on 32 count light blue over two.  Fully Finished 1-19-2025.

6.   Second R From Merry Christmas by  Owl Forest Designs stitched on 36 count Summer Khaki over two.  Fully Finished 1-27-2025


7.   Y from Merry Christmas by Owl Forest Designs stitched on 32 count Summer Khaki over two.  Fully Finished 1-28-2025

8.  C from Merry Christmas by Owl Forest Designs stitched on 32 count Summer Khaki over two.  FFO  1-30-2025

9.  H from Merry Christmas by Owl Forest Designs stitched on 32 count Summer Khaki over two.  FFO  2-2-2025

10.  Fruit of the Heart by Jan Hicks Creates stitched on 32 count antique ivory over one.  FFO 2-10-2025

11.  Rose Heart by Roberta Rankin stitched on 40 count antique white over two.  FFO 2-10-2025

12.  Opalescent Heart by The Sweetheart Tree stitched on 32 count natural linen over two.  FFO 2-10-2025

13.  Valentine's Day 2013 by Passione Ricamo stitched on 28 count Ivory over two.  FFO 2-10-2025

14.  You Have My Heart by Hands on Design stitched on 40 count natural over two.   FFO 2-10-2025

15.   Cardinal Couple by My Lovely Embroidery stitched on 28 count Confederate Grey over one.   FFO 2-17-2025 


Christmas Ornament Challenges:

January-  Tis the Season by Wrought Iron Stitching Page 88  stitched on 40 count Lambswool over two.

February-  I substituted Hello Snow by Jennifer J. Redmond page 72 stitched on 40 count white over two for Holly Berry Sampler by Curious Carrie Designs  Page 17

March-  A Quiet Place by The Little Stitcher  Page 76  

April- Joy by Gentle Pursuit Designs  Page 7

May- Winter Village by Sprouting Lupine  Page 42

June-  Santa's Helper by X Free Stitch  Page 28

July-  Friendly Joy by Needle Bling Designs  Page 71

August-  Harmony for the Holidays by Cotton Pixels  Page 9

September-  Polar Bear Wishes by Century Farm Stitching  Page 61

October-  Popper Penguin by Luhu Stitches  Page 64

November-  Christmas Morning by Mr. Stitch & Mrs. Needle  Page 16

December-  Nordic Yuletide by Quaternion Creations  Page 46

Possible substitutions

One Child by Faithwurks Designs page 52

Glory by My Big Toe page 49

Lighting the Way page 50

Holly Jolly Santa by Medina Originals page 31

Christmas Joy by Frony Ritter Designs page 11

Hello Snow by Jennifer J. Redmond page 72

Down The Chimney by Stitchy Princess page 27

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