Hi out there in blogland! It's a nostalgic day here at our house. It's Ben's last day of school. So many memories have been made from the first time we walked him to school in Germany until he drove himself to his last day here in Maryland. Tomorrow he will walk across the stage and get his diploma and then it will all be over but for the shouting. Excuse a mother's pride here, but I can't help thinking what a great job he did raising us as parents. I think he taught us just as much as we taught him, and though our family is small, we are tight and happy. I feel wonderfully blessed!! Here he is then (kindergarten)
and now (graduation)
I have been crazy busy for a few weeks now, as you can tell from the sparse blog entries. My sister visited with her grandson and we spent a whirlwind weekend seeing some sights in Washington.
Air and Space Museum
Natural History Museum
National Zoo...lions and tigers and bears OH MY!!
She left our Mother here for Ben's graduation and we have had a busy few days getting settled and preparing for graduation tomorrow. I haven't had time to stitch much, but did get my portion of Gillie's RR stitched and am just waiting for Frances to settle someplace so I can send it on to her. Last I heard, Sally's RR is being sent from Gillie too, I had better get my fingers limbered up so I can get hers stitched and on its way as well!! Here is the portion I stitched on Gillie's.
I did get my exchange pieces stitched, I'm just waiting to get my act together to get them finished off so I can pop them in the mail to my partner, Tricia. Hang in there, Tricia, I'll be getting them together soon! Once she has them in her hands, I'll post a pic.
I did get a little stitching done on Winter's Majesty, but didn't take any pictures just yet. There really wasn't much to post. I need my life to slow down a few paces so I can get in some stitching!! I guess I'll end this post here since I have no stitching pics to show...there goes life getting in the way again! Hopefully all is well out there in blogland! I'll be in touch again soon! Till then, stay safe and stitch happy! *Hugs*
Hi there! So glad you had a chance to stop by to see what's happening in my small corner of the world. I do finally have some stitching to show you, though not nearly as much as I would like. It's getting a tad busy here at DJ's Digs as we get closer to my son's graduation.
First off is the SAL I have been working on with Babs and Mouse. This is Friendship Blooms from Blue Ribbon Designs. I am suppose to work on this on Tuesdays but it seems I'm always running around and then forget it the rest of the week. I'll try to do better, but for now, here is a robin I was able to finish.
I was able to work for a wee bit on Matter's Choice from Carriage House Samplings. Soooo much counting on this one!! But I sure love the way it's turning out!!
I've also been working on an exchange, though I can't show that one just yet. I have the stitching done but need to get busy with the finishing. I was hoping to get this finished and in the mail before my family descends next week for the graduation. Told you I was swamped!!
Gillie's Round Robin arrived the other day. I checked it out briefly and put it away for a couple of days. I will get to it very soon as I would like to send it on as soon as I can so it doesn't get lost in the shuffle while my Mom is here visiting. Lovely stitching so far, Gillie!! I can't decide which flower to stitch!!
My son's prom was last night and it was a tad crazy trying to get him ready. I learned a lot about my son during this process. He's a big teddy bear and will make some woman a great husband!! Not that I'm advertising for one any time soon!! I saw preparation for the prom from a different angle and it was an eye opening experience. As nerve wracking as it is to be a girl waiting to be asked to the prom, it's just as nerve wracking being a shy guy asking a girl out. He was tempted to forget the whole thing when his friends convinced him to go. He had a beautiful date, and she is very quiet and sweet.
A few of them went together and ordered a limo which took them to the prom, then brought them back to the school. What fun that must have been!
According to my son, they had more fun at the after prom party hosted at the school than they did at the prom which was held at M&T Bank Stadium in Baltimore. They had lots of prizes offered at the after prom party and DS came home with a few autographed items from local sports teams. He was thrilled!!

I have to say, I love being a mom to my son. We were married 11 years before we had him, and by that time we thought we weren't able to have children. He has been my miracle child, one I hoped for, prayed for and received with gratefulness. I never thought I would be one of those emotional moms, but I will admit, I cried when I dropped him off for Kindergarten, and I cried tears of joy last night when he looked so grown up and handsome dressed in that tux. As graduation nears, my only thought is that I won't have him under my care much longer. He has matured so much this year and I couldn't be more proud of the choices he is making. I know there comes a time in his life when his choices are his own and I am no longer that guiding influence. I have been fortunate that he has chosen to surround himself with wise and mature people, and I am so very thankful for those people who have had such a positive influence in his life. You've made my job so much easier!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Two more weeks and he will graduate. Three weeks after that he'll turn 18. I'm looking forward to his future, and feeling sad this stage of his life is nearly over. Can't wait to see what things are in store for my sweet boy son.
It's a beautiful day here in Maryland...the perfect kind of day to celebrate Mother's everywhere. I can't be with my Mom in person today, but I am with her in spirit. Happy Mother's Day, Mom...we love you!!
I am happy to be a Mother to our son. We were married 11 years before we were blessed with him. I spent many Mother's day far from family and pining to have a child of my own. I try not to question God's timing, and after we had our son I realized the purpose for waiting so long. He truly did arrive at the perfect time. I prayed for him long before he was born, and continue to pray for him now. He's not perfect, but then, neither am I, but I do believe we were perfect for each other. He gives us such joy and I'm so very proud of the man he has become.

I realize Mother's day can be difficult for those who have lost their Mom or their child or are still hoping and praying for a child. Know that you are thought of today too, and I am praying for those dealing with this sense of loss and pain. When I lived far away from my Mom and I wasn't a Mom myself yet, an older lady in the church took me under her wing. I'm sure there is someone in your life who can be your surrogate Mom or child...love on them today and make them feel loved. Let it be a day of love and peace no matter what your circumstances.
I had a lovely surprise yesterday when I got a text from my former college roommate, Ellie. We have remained friends all these years, sharing our ups and downs. She was there for me when I found out I had cancer, and I just recently found out she acknowledged me during a "Relay for Life" event at a High School in her area. Here is the sign she made for me. I must say, the outpouring of love and support through my illness has humbled me yet encouraged me. I cannot tell you how much the support has been a BIG part of my recovery, and you all make me feel so loved. Thank you, Ellie, for being there for me through it all. Love you soooooooo much!!
Sorry, no stitching pictures today. Gillie still hasn't sent me her Round Robin (tick tock, woman!! j/k LOL)...and I'm working on an exchange that I can't show pictures of until she receives it. Hopefully next time I'll have some photos to show you! Have a great week!
I am deliciously tired!! What a great weekend I had spent with my stitching pals! It was fun to spend time with Astrid and all the other ladies who attend our annual stitcher's retreat. We stitched, laughed, shared our finishes, and an unmentionable caper I have been forbidden to describe until all the police reports *wink* have been made public. I can only say it involved kidnapping, ransom and threats of bodily harm to innocent bystanders. I was forbidden this morning, under threats of not being invited back next year (I believe they mentioned black balling) with the only explanation being, "What happens at St. Michaels, stays at St. Michaels."
Here we all are, smiles all around, when only moments before we were nearly dumped on the ground. All I will say is that Astrid has been known to "rock the boat".
I was able to FINALLY finish the old SAL I had hanging around. I know there are others I should have stitched, but I am pleased this one is finally done. I hope I can get it framed one of these days, I dearly want to hang this one on the wall. The pattern was from this website a couple of years back. It's no longer available, unfortunately.
I also finished stitching the wedding sampler for my physical therapist. I wanted to stitch the wedding date for her, though it was not in the pattern. I played around a wee bit, and finally back-stitched it above the heart. I asked the other ladies and got varying advice, and would love to hear your honest opinion. I guess the final decision will be made by the person it was stitched for, but I do know if it was mine I would want the date displayed. I assume she does too since she specifically gave me the date. I will see her tomorrow, and will let you know what she decided.
I worked on Matter's Choice also. I haven't done much stitching on this one, and it was one of my crazies from last year. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll get it done this year.
Ms. P was in attendance this year, and I love listening to her talk about antique samplers and the schools in England where young ladies learned to stitch. The antique staplers are amazing, delicate, stitched phenominally well by young girls, and I'm jealous of their talent! She brought along one she had recently acquired. If you think I'm crazy stitching over one on 40 ct, this one was probably stitched over one on 50+ count!! It is only 3 inches by 3 inches!! Beautiful isn't it?
I look forward to a few things we do for one another while we are there. We usually find a small something for each other, so here is a picture of the gifts I gave this year, come crocheted bookmarks and my rendition of hogs and kisses. The little tins are full of mints.
Here are a few of the things I received in return.
And we play Yankee Trader. I'm sure there are other names, and it's too involved to explain here, just know it's usually fun to play and this is what I finally ended up with! I love that it is my signature color of lavender!
And that is all for tonight. My guys have been missing me, and now that they are home from youth group, my presence is requested. Thanks for reading, and please do give me your opinion of the wedding sampler. I leave you with some pictures of our "retreat".