2013 Goals

Welcome to my Goals page for 2013!  I'm hoping to list my anticipated starts, WIPS I hope to finish, and my actual finishes!  This is mainly for my own use so I can keep track of my progress of my personal goals, but you can cheer me on if you wish!!

Anticipated Starts:

1.  Winter's Majesty
2.  Friendship Blooms
3.  Little Drummer Boy Stocking
4.  London

Actual Starts:

1.  Winter's Majesty
2.  Friendship Blooms
3.  Little Drummer Boy Stocking
4.  God's Gift Sampler
5.  Wedding Sampler
6.  Soie Surfine Silken Bird Spledor XXIV
7.  Violet's Blue 
8.  The Traveling Pattern, Count Your Blessings 
9.  Sleeping Beauty
10. Cinderella 
11.  Forget me not sampler
12.  The Nativity

WIPS Hoping To Finish:

1.  Yvonne Richer Sampler
2.  Renouveau
3.  Sweet Flowers
4.  Matter's Choice
5.  One Nation
6.  Alphabet auc Nichoirs
7.  15 Sided Biscornu
8.  Christmas Quaker Bellpull
9.  Red House Sampler
10.  Country House Sampler
11.  The Wise Men Came
12.  Traditional Band Sampler
13.  Three Wise Men
14.  Quaker Diamonds

2013 Finishes

 1.  Hope Blooms
 2.  God's Gifts Sampler
 3.  Au Point de Croix SAL
 4.  Wedding sampler 
 5.  Matter's Choice
 6.  Soie Surfine Silken Bird Spledor XXIV
 7.  Friendship Blooms
 8.  Sweet Flowers
 9.  Count Your Blessings
10.  The Three Wise Men 
11.  Sleeping Beauty
12.  Cinderella 
13.  Forget me not sampler 

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