Sunday, August 11, 2024

Stitch The Summer Olympics: Day 17

Day 17...Closing Ceremony - today we were to stitch something we planned to finish in 2024.  I started and finished Heart of Spring by Just Nan.  This is stitched on 32 count Blush over two.  I just love all the little bling that Just Nan adds to her patterns.  

It was fun stitching along with the Olympics, so I'd like to thank the Naptime Stitcher for creating the challenge and I'm so pleased I was able to keep up.   I think I'll miss this, but I have several things that I have to fully finish I'll be busy the next couple of days!  I'll be back in a few days with an update so stay tuned.  For those who have been off to retreats this weekend, safe travels on your way home!  I look forward to hearing all about your adventures.  Happy Stitching! 


Robin in Virginia said...

What a pretty piece you stitched, DJ!

Shelly said...

Very pretty! Just Nan's remind me of Sweetheart Tree designs be cause they're small and always feature an embellishment or two😊

Katie said...

Oh that is beautiful. I enjoyed the Olympics too. Have you tried Facebook groups? There are a ton of them that have stitching challenges.