Friday, August 2, 2024

Stitch The Summer Olympics: Day 7

Still a day behind, and not a lot of stitching yesterday either.  For Day 7 (Marathon) we were to stitch on our oldest WIP.  I chose Creation by Tempting Tangles.  I honestly can't remember when I started this...but I watched Debra start stitching this when I was a member of a group she was in.  When she finally posted it for sale (in 2009) I couldn't buy it fast enough.  It's a challenge to stitch as the chart is pretty small.  I downloaded it into pattern keeper to stitch on it yesterday, and I was able to see it a lot better!  Once the Olympics are over, maybe I'll get back to stitching on it in earnest.  I was only able to put in 248 stitches yesterday, but here are before and after pictures.  

It's stitched on 40 count Golden over two.  Loads of specialty stitches, and beautiful colors.  

With a little luck I'll be back later today to post about today's event, Beach Volleyball...stitch something with more than one person.  Happy Stitching...and try to stay cool out there (it's predicted to be 110 with the heat index!!) 

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