Sunday, August 18, 2024

International Hermit and Stitch Weekend August

Well, it was a busy weekend, but I still found a little time to stitch.  I had other plans, but again,  I started the weekend by finishing Chill Out (a Dimensions kit) ...  and completely fully finished it!  Score!  LOL  

Next I picked up Starry Stable SAL by Tempting Tangles.  I had completed the third part during the Olympics...but in the meanwhile, part 4 had been released.  So...Saturday I stitched on part 4...and got caught up!  

I had hoped to pick up Sarah Sanderson, but for some reason, I picked up next month's JCS SAL project, Snowflake Sheep from the 2023 JCS Ornament Issue.  I found this pretty 28 count fabric (Smoke) but quickly realized the size of the fabric wasn't big enough to stitch over over one it is!  I made a pretty good start of it today!  Fingers crossed I can get it finished soon as my fingers are itching to work on Sarah.  We will see what tomorrow brings!  

I got quite a bit more done than I expected, as today was the day I dropped off my entries to the Maryland State Fair.  We had to race around the Baltimore Beltway (always an adventure and usually takes a few years off my life with the hair-raising way people drive...and that includes my him dearly but the man is a menace on the road!!!)  The weather man said it was supposed to be wicked weather, but thankfully we beat the rain...made it home in record time and even had time to FINALLY have our Anniversary Dinner at Outback.  It was yummy!  

And that's all folks!  Now back to your regular programming (and I'm off to dreamland, it's been an exhausting weekend!  Happy Stitching!  


Robin in Virginia said...

I think you had a most productive hermit weekend, DJ. Love the ornament you started in the last couple pictures. It is going to be darling. Well done on getting caught up on the Nativity piece. Best wishes to your fair entries! I know you enjoyed your Outback meal. Do you have the same every time or vary it up?

Katie said...

Lovely weekend indeed. The sloth turned out perfect.