How about that? I started out 2023 with a new start and now a finish! I enjoyed every stitch of this exclusive kit by Heartstring Samplery. This was offered on the Homespun Needlework Facebook page. It came with the fabric, 36 count Vintage Mocha which they suggested using one strand over two linen threads. I used two might have looked ok with one strand, but I like to see and enjoy the colors. I don't regret that, but it was a little challenging for the bird. The pattern included patterns for 5 different chickadees so I chose Carolina chickadee as that bird is native to the area of Maryland that I live in. This was a Christmas gift from my husband and included the finishing kit which hasn't arrived yet. According to emails he has received, it should be here early next week.

I've ordered a few of these exclusives, I'm hoping to stitch a lot of them this year. I had a pen pal that I would stitch for monthly last year and while I enjoyed everything she sent, I realized I was stitching more for other people while juggling obligations with family and decided I really wanted to stitch some of these things I've been holding on to for years. I've decided to be a bit selfish and stitch things for myself. I enjoy giving things, but am longing to see some new things hanging on my walls.
I've also decided I would like to update my blog more regularly this year as I usually wait until the 15th when I post my gifted gorgeousness. I think I miss posting about a lot of things I stitch...and my memory keeps getting worse, so this way I'll catch everything I stitch. Fingers crossed! On that note, I'm going to post some things I fully finished toward the end of last year.
I finished up some last minute ornaments for my family...I posted pictures in the last GG post but they weren't fully finished. Here they are and in time for Christmas!
I didn't want to leave hubby out, so finished this Grinch ornament for him. I didn't fully finish it yet, I just ran out of time, but I hope to set a day aside soon and fully finish a lot of other things I have floating around here. This pattern came from a long ago post on Living on the Rainbow blog, but it has since been removed. I'm in the habit of saving images on my computer before I forget where they are, or before they are taken down. I'm glad I saved this one! My husband loves the Grinch! I used Fuzzy Stuff for the brim of his hat so it looks a bit furry...LOL He loves it, now to get it fully finished! Finishing mittens was one of those things I thought looked too difficult, but I think I conquered my fears! I have a few mitten pieces I've finished I now have the courage to tackle...stay tuned!!
I found this pattern in a Just Cross Stitch December 2008 issue many years ago. I fell in love with it and vowed to stitch it one day. I ran across it while looking for something else one day and thought I would make it for a friend who loves sheep. The more I stitched, the more I loved it...and well....I became a little selfish and finished it for myself. I have had this frame sitting around (gathering dust...literally) for years and thought it would be the perfect I fully finished it the same week. I stitched something else for my sheep loving friend...haha. I just love this!! It's called Christmas Gathering and was stitched on 28 count over two with three strands of floss.

I was in a used book store just before Christmas in Harrisburg, PA and found this book called Sam Hawkin's 520 Christmas Cross Stitch Designs. Thumbing through it I found a set of 12 Days of Christmas ornaments! In my mind, they seem out of order, though I've been told that is the original order of the song....tomayto, tomahto...LOL It doesn't matter to me as long as the characters are the same. Anyway...I decided to start with the 12th character and work backwards. I have finished nine of them! It's hard to tell from the photos but they are stitched on 32 count Ice Blue over one. Here they are in reverse order as I have finished them...

I hope to finish the last three soon. I just adore the detail in many of them. Some are a little "off" to me, but hey...I can't break up the set, can I? LOL!! I can't decide which is my favorite, the Piper has so much detail, but the Maid looks so ... I don't know, her dress catches my eye. Do you have a favorite? Wait until you see 3 French Hens...hahaha that one has me scratching my head.
In other news, they came to fix our ceiling yesterday. There has been a big gaping whole in our dining room ceiling since June when our tub in the upstairs bathroom developed a leak. We had someone come and give an estimate, and we told them we would like them to come back to do the repairs. They didn't answer phone calls, emails, texts, or faxes for months so finally we decided to contact a local handyman. He arrived yesterday and replaced the dry wall and replastered the area. He will be back in a few days to finish painting. I'm so glad to have that hole gone!! While he was here we asked about replacing some light fixtures in the basement. I have disliked those fixtures since we moved in, and the lightbulbs are hard to find and expensive to replace. He told us he could do that in the matter of 90 we bought some light fixtures to replace them. Hopefully he can do that at the same time! I'm so excited!!!
So far 2023 has been an exciting and a good year for new projects and finishing old ones...not just in the stitching department! I used to try and make New Year's Resolutions but would end up breaking them. So no more resolutions. I do like to make a list of goals. To me they are less binding, something to strive for but not beat myself up if I don't quite reach them. Something about turning that last page of the year's calendar and starting afresh in a New Year....Just like my first project's my Hope Song. Happy Stitching everyone!