Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Spring has sprung!

Well, after I finished Anne, I wanted something quick to stitch, I just needed a little "atta girl" for meeting a big goal.  I dipped my hand into my box of kitted items and picked up Spring Basket Pinkeep by Stacy Nash.  

The picture of the pattern made it look small and cute and a quick stitch.  Boy was I wrong!  LOL!!  I thought I could finish in a day or two...took nearly a week!  That's ok, it's finished now, just barely under the wire to finish before the end of April.  This was the naughty pattern that was missing a specialty fiber.  I found it the next day, so no worries.  I do like the look of it, but in all honesty, it's a pretty big pinkeep if you ask me!  While the pattern shows that it's finished as a pillow, it's pretty big for my taste, so now I'm uncertain how I'll finish it.'s going in the "to finish" pile until I decide what to do with it.  Stitched on 36 count Ballet Slipper by Fox and Rabbit over two using hand dyed fibers.  

Now I should probably start on that Christmas stocking.  When I ordered this kit, it said it was Cross Stitch...nope, it's now I'm thinking I should pull out my Needlepoint book and see about some specialty stitches...this could take a while folks.  While I do enjoy Needlepoint SOMETIMES, it's not my favorite.  *sigh*  

Well I do have an ornament I should stitch for an exchange.  That's another issue I'm having...LOL!!  What should I stitch?  I've pulled out a few different patterns...but I'm having trouble deciding on the ONE.  I've never been good at making decisions...let's just leave it there, shall we?'s now the first of May....Happy May Day!  I know the Europeans symbolize this day with Lily of the Valley.  It was one of my Mom's favorite flowers.  She had a patch growing in our back yard, and they would smell so sweet in the spring.  We loved to pick bunches of them and she would put them in a small vase on the windowsill in the kitchen.  When I see them they remind me of her.  Maybe I'll throw caution to the wind and just stitch some Lily of the Valley...

Hopefully by the next posting, I'll have made a decision.  Till then...Happy Stitching!


Robin in Virginia said...

Your Stacy Nash finish is pretty. No suggestions on how to finish! Did you decide on the ornament to stitch? Interesting the stocking is needlepoint; I would be more than annoyed that it was instead of the stated cross stitch. Happy May Day to you, DJ!

diamondc said...

DJ: I love the Spring Basket design, it is lovely, I hope you do finish it soon, you have a gift for finishing.
I love Lily Of The Valley, they smell so beautiful.
I have never done needlepoint.


Mylene said...

A beautiful Spring finish. Love it!

Mary said...

Very pretty finish.

Katie said...

Great finish. Good luck deciding what to do with it. Good luck coming up with what's next. I started using that Tiny Decisions app. Helps a lot haha.