Thursday, May 2, 2024

And Sew It Begins...

I mentioned in my last post I should start the stocking I hoped to stitch for my Granddaughter.  Well I decided it was time.  I didn't have the right size stretcher bars, but oh well...I can still see the whole pattern so, here we goooo.  I should have taped the edges, I wasn't thinking, and will probably do that some time today.  I finished the toe last night...I hope I'm able to finish this  The floss is so...what's a good word?  It's not soft, so when I run it through my fingers while pulling it through the canvas, it's making my fingers sore.  Has this happened to anyone else?  Anything for my Granddaughter, though...right?  UGH!!  I'll just keep picturing her sweet face when she sees it.  Here is Happy Snowman Stocking by Dimensions.  Fingers crossed this works up fast!!  

I learned that a very close friend of mine lost her Mom this week.  I can't stop thinking about her, and her wonderful Mom....and with Mother's Day approaching, I miss mine all the more.  I wish I lived closer, I would love to just be there for support but she lives 500 miles away.  What is it about Mothers?  Sometimes we can laugh with them like they are our best friends.  Sometimes we fight with them like they are our worst enemies.  But always, we love them because they love us unconditionally.  So many times lately, I have wished my Mom was here.  To meet my Granddaughter (who impresses everyone who meets her), to help me with sewing my finished stitching,  just to share something funny that happened in our family that only we would think was funny.  Sorry for the downer, I just had to type that out.  I find it cathartic to just get it out of my head and down on "paper".  I hope those of you who still have your Mom with you, that you cherish her and hold on tight to those treasured memories.  Life is so fleeting sometimes.  

Off I go to work on the stocking...Happy Stitching (she says thinking positively)! 


Katie said...

Oh I love your snowman but yes I know what you mean about something not being near as much fun to work on as others. Hopefully it goes quickly.

I miss my mom so much. Her birthday would have been yesterday. Mother's Day just hurts without having a mom. I'm sorry for your friend. I know exactly how she feels. Just odd. Hugs.

Positivity helps so much.

Robin in Virginia said...

Darling stocking you have picked for your granddaughter, DJ. I do hope it works up quickly. Do you use beeswax or thread conditioner on your threads? It might help.

I am sorry to hear of your friend's loss. And DJ, I know your mom is looking down at you and your family and taking it all in from above. And no, you weren't a downer. You were being genuine.

Have a restful weekend.