Monday, May 20, 2024

May IHSW Update

It never fails...My kids seem to know when I have a Hermit and Stitch  Our DIL, who is an amazing amateur social director always finds fun things for us to do, and I'm thrilled they invite us along on their adventures...but it never fails to land on a IHSW weekend.  Thursday night I worked on Happy Snowman Stocking by Dimensions and finished the night here...  

Friday night we attended an Orioles Baseball game.  It was a fantastic game!  We all had a blast, even Miss Cutie Pie.  

It was busy but I managed to stitch a bit and here is where I stopped for the night...

Saturday was a stay at home day...but the usual weekend chores had to be done this I ended the day here...  

Sunday was the Arbutus Art Festival and there was tons of vendors, wonderful food, stuff for kids to do, and was sunny and HOT.  LOL  We had a wonderful time with the live music and Miss Cutie Pie antics.  She danced, fed the goats, and picked out an egg and dinosaur which she played with the whole time we were walking around.  

I came home hot, sunburned, and beat, but managed to stitch a bit more.  

Today was my best day yet...and here is where Happy Snowman Stocking will be resting for the night.   

I really hoped to get a lot more stitched, but tomorrow is another day!  I hope others were more productive!  Happy Stitching everyone! 

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

I think you made awesome progress on your stocking piece, DJ. How are your fingers holding up with the needlepoint?