Friday, May 17, 2024

Carina Nebula is finished!

Woo Hoo!!  I have had my eye on this particular pattern for well over a year.  This is Carina Nebula, by Climbing Goat Designs.  My husband bought it for me for Mother's Day and I couldn't wait to start it!  I truly love how it's finished.  I had all the materials to stitch it in my stash, so it was a no brainer when I decided to stitch it for the May 4th challenge!  It was stitched on 28 Laurel Green over two.  I'm thrilled to have it to decide how to fully finish it...  

It's International Hermit and Stitch Weekend (according to the Facebook group) so I'll be back working on Miss Sassy Pants Happy Snowman Stocking if I have time this weekend.  My family has a ton of things planned, but I hope to really get a lot done on this project.  I'm determined to finish it off this month...wish me luck!  Here is my starting point!  

I'll be back on Monday for a progress report, Lord willing and the creek don't rise!  I'm off to get this party started!  Have a great weekend, and Happy Stitching!


Robin in Virginia said...

Well done your Carina Nebula finish, DJ! It is a beauty. I hope you get in a good chunk of time on the Happy Snowman stocking this weekend. I look forward to seeing your progress. Happy weekend!

Clare-Aimetu said...

Whoo hoo on a great finish. Happy partying 🥳

Shelly said...

Great finish! You had smoking needles! You're off to a good start on the stocking; is it for your granddaughter? Happy weekend 😊

Katie said...

Beautiful finish! Can't wait to see your next post to see how your weekend went.