Tuesday, May 28, 2024


I've been all over the map lately...lol.  I'm not sure why my brain wants to avoid Happy Snowman, but when I'm working on it, my mind is wandering to other projects.  I think the part that is left is mainly confetti, not my favorite thing to stitch.  Here is where I left off last week.  Hopefully I'll get back to him soon!  

So what's a girl to do?  Start another project (or two...or three) of course!  I stitched and sent on my exchange pieces though I doubt they have received them yet so I guess I should hold off posting pictures of them just yet.  

I did start something new.  While searching for something else I stumbled across some things I had kitted and really wanted to stitch.  I have always loved Blackberry Lane designs.  I've stitched quite a few of hers.  I'm working on Frosty Weather right now, stitched on 32 count blue with white dots.  Part of this is over one...it sure gives a lot of detail to the little animals pictured in it, but most of it is stitched over two.  Once this one is finished I hope to start another (the name escapes me right now).   Everyone seems to like the fabric I'm using, but I can't take credit for that...the designer stitched this on this fabric to begin with!  

I learned something new while attempting to use my  Pattern Keeper app.  I scanned the pattern into my computer and saved it as a jpeg.  I then sent it to my android tablet through email and uploaded it to PK app.  Voila'!  I can use it to count stitches and to mark off where I've stitched.  My former college roommate has this app and was telling me her husband showed her how to upload a paper chart into the app...so I decided to give it a go.  You can also take a picture of the chart to upload, but it's a little more challenging to get the graph lines to line up.  The only disadvantage (and I'm guessing I just haven't learned how to adjust this yet) is that I can't give DMC numbers to the symbols...but it's ok, I can work with what I've got until I figure that one out.  Ain't technology grand?  

We had a lovely weekend resting and watching some movies together.  Yesterday the kids came over to watch Wish.  Our granddaughter was having troubles sitting still, and whenever music came on she had to dance...lol...but it was lovely to spend some time with them.  We planned a few outings with them this week...they sure keep us busy!  And on that note, I will bid you adieu.  I hope you all are safe from the crazy storms (I was totally unaware that we had tornado watches in our area until after the watches were lifted...scary thought!!) and enjoying life!  Happy Stitching!

PS...Not only is my brain acting like a squirrel, but two of the little animals in this pattern are squirrels!  LOL!! 


Sandy said...

Can totally relate to having a hard time working on one project, putting it aside and starting something else. I do it alot. I think some pieces/projects just speak to us more, why...I have no idea. Love the one your working on, very cute. Bravo on learning something new, the app sounds good. We've had lots of wind, but thankfully not tornados, though we've had some watches that I'm always relieved to see expire. Thank care and keep stitching.
Sandy's Space

Robin in Virginia said...

Your winter stitch is looking good, DJ. You will get back to the snowman. Maybe stitch on it an hour a week or so. We were under a tornado watch until 11 last night and I didn't know until about 8 or so. Hope you have a good Tuesday!

Shelly said...

You're right, the over 1 gives the animals some definition. That polka dot fabric has always been a favorite, I just haven't bought any! Have a super week!