Monday, February 13, 2023


Well, I have abandoned Part of Your World for the time being.  I have completed part one, which, other than the frame, is the only one published at the moment.  The frame, I feel, can be stitched as I go along.  There is a lot more to be stitched, along with the little bubbles (which are a pain in the neck) outlined along the frame.  But I think in little doses can be managed over time.  

I have been itching to start The Wonders of the Hubble Space Telescope which are pictures taken from the Hubble.  The first picture has been published.  Since I'm stitching on a dark navy blue  36 count fabric, it's slowing me down as it's hard to see.  The fabric is called Gothic, and is tightly woven together so I decided to stitch using only one thread of the DMC floss.  It seems to be covering quite well so I'm pleased.  Here is where I've stitched so far.  I'm loving it!  

I stitched on it during the Super Bowl, which...I was supposed to be at a party but caught this...whatever you want to call while everyone else was partying I was home stitching, sneezing, and blowing my nose...haha.  I would hate to share these germs, so I also had to beg off watching Miss A today.  I'll see her Friday though!  We had dinner (and dessert) with the kids last Friday, and stopped when we thought the red light was on at Krispie Kreme....and have this little pic of Miss A.  She usually won't keep a hat on her head, but kept this on the whole cute!   If you don't know what the red light is at Krispie Kreme...they turn the light on when the donuts come out of the oven...they are hot and at their best!  LOL  We missed the red light, it came on after we made our purchases.

And that, as they say, is that!  I'm off to stitch some more on the Hubble...Happy Stitching!

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

Both of your pieces are looking good, DJ. Who is the designer for the Hubble piece? Miss A looks adorable in her KK hat. Did she enjoy her donut? I hope you are feeling better soon. Have a restful week!