Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Startitis Attack

So the past few days I've been working on the new SAL I decided to start.  While I've enjoyed the Peppermint Purple SALs in the past, this one has me pulling my hair out.  So in a little break I was rummaging for something and found this pattern that I've had my eye on and thought it would be fun to stitch after I caught up on the PP nightmare.  I kitted it up with DMC floss and what I thought would be nice fabric.  I read the card wrong thinking it was 46 count so cut the size of the fabric so that it would fit in a certain frame.  After stitching a bit, I realized my mistake that it was actually 40 count and that it wouldn't fit on the fabric where I had started the frog reared it's ugly  I decided to start it in the middle....and nope...while the border looked great on the fabric, the red flower didn't knock my socks to the drawing board.  I stopped stitching for the night to ruminate a little.  When I woke up this morning I went for a deep dive into one of my boxes of kitted items and found a small piece that wouldn't be used and decided that was the one to use.  So here is my new start.  This is A Heart Remembers by Blackbird Designs stitched on 32 count Legacy over one using one strand of floss.  If my calculations are correct this will be a little over 4" X 4".  Fingers crossed...otherwise it will go in a heap until I can find fabric I like...haha.  Wish me luck! 

I also finished part 8 of Peppermint Purple SAL 2023 where I'm all caught up until the next portion is released next Wednesday.  I'm stitching this on 40 count Flax over two using one strand of floss.   I'm on a roll!  

So that's all the news for today....I'll have Little Miss A probably won't stitch until later in the evening...shame as I'm really enjoying A Heart Remembers.  After posting on a Facebook page I post on everyday following a challenge to stitch at least 30 minutes a day....I posted for the 365th day in a row. entire year of stitching at least once a day.  Quite the accomplishment!  I hope you are safe and warm wherever you are today...Happy Stitching!  


Robin in Virginia said...

Your blackwork piece is looking good, DJ. Your new start is also looking super.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

That’s a very sweet little rose, glad you found a good piece of fabric in the end.
The blackwork looks good too.
I wish I’d made a note of when I started my stitching streak, all I know is that it was back in 2010 sometime. But I didn’t keep a stitching diary then so I have no idea or the date. I just go from the start of my blog year (2011) because I know I stitched every day that year at least.