Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Moving on...

I've had a couple more finishes...don't worry I'll be back on my crabby project in a little while.  

I'm still trying to keep up with challenges, though I did fall behind a little bit.  I really need to decide which 12 Days I'm going to work on this year.  I had all the supplies for the Shannon Christine 12 Days she published last year, but now I'm trying to decide if I'll do it over one or over two.  I need to make up my mind soon!  Anyway...  

I've moved on to the JCS Ornament SAL where the group picks `12 ornaments from the previous year's Christmas issue...I finished the one for January, and now have finished the February choice.  It is My Wishes For You by The Queen Stitch.  I stitched this on 32 count Raw Opalescent over two.  I think it needs something but I'll have to do a little dive in my stash to see if I can find something to fill in a gap above Hope that I'm not happy with.  Anyway...the stitching and beading is done.  

I have had this next pattern in my stash for a few months, but I saw this stitched at a Needlework store and was on a quest to find it.  It took a few months to find the pattern, then a few months to find the time.  This is 2002 Santa by The Prairie Schooler.  I guess I'm hooked on patriotic themes lately, and this fit perfectly!  It's stitched on 40 count Vintage Country Mocha over one.  I really adore how it came out!  

I guess that's it for this post.  I'm moving on to some SALs I'm participating in...hopefully I'll have a pretty good update next time I post.  Till then, Happy Stitching! 


Robin in Virginia said...

Your Peace/Hope ornament is a beauty, DJ. Your PS Santa is precious. This is one of my favorites as it reminds me of all the times my Mom and I attended retreats in Williamsburg. When Covid hit, the retreats stopped and haven't resumed.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Your Peace/Hope ornament is lovely, such pretty colours.
I’m not doing an individual 12 Days this year, just trying to fit the large Bothy Threads design into my rotation!