Thursday, May 14, 2020

Three Days of Maynia I missed...

It's been a wild and wacky few days.  I've had a terrible time keeping track of time this week.   I'm not going into details, but just suffice it to say when my routine is changed I just lose my way.  To top it off, wrenches kept getting tossed in my life and I just haven't had time to blog.  Maynia mania is driving me manic...hahaha

So let's start back on the 12th.  I'm still either starting something new, or picking up something different every day.  I have had this piece I started last year sitting staring at me for a while.  It was a SAL I had started and when I had to run to NY to take care of my Mom's estate, this poor piece got left by the wayside.  I love the colors in it and hope to finish it one of these days.  All the pieces have been released, so I quick stitched up three parts yesterday.  It's such a pretty piece!  Here is where I finally left off on the 12th.  This is Watermeadows Garden by Tempting Tangles stitched on 40 count white over two.

On the 13th I decided to quickly finish up a birth sampler that I had started months ago.  The baby was born last week, but I just hadn't had time to chart out the name and date until now.  I'm not going to show the completed piece.  Just know there is a name and date on it now, so this was the piece I finished this day.  

Because I finished it, I went back to work on something else I had started during the Maynia.  This is God in my Garden by Tempting Tangles stitched on 28 count Mocha over one.  I'm using Gloriana silk but again, forgot the names of the colors.  I promise to post them one of these days...haha.  I'm trying to catch up before the next piece of the SAL comes out next week....but will only work on it when I've stitched on a Maynia piece first!

Today I stitched on the bottom half of the Brown Bird Biscornu.  This one has so much counting in it that it slows me waaaaay down.  I love the way it looks.  We had such a busy day today ... two zoom meetings (one a Bible Study...which I had to re read the chapter and answer the questions before the meeting tonight)  an expedition to pick up medications and a few supplies that took us to three different stores today and a trip to the post office.  Soooo....I didn't get much stitching done on this.   I really hope to finish this up one of these days (maybe after the month of May is over...we will see!!)

Tomorrow is another errand day.  I promise I'm being careful...scary times for sure!  I hope you all are staying safe and keeping well.  Tomorrow is Gifted I may not post a Maynia picture tomorrow...but I promise to catch up with it soon!  Happy Stitching!  


Clare-Aimetu said...

You're doing so well, great work on some lovely projects

Julie said...

Watermeadows Garden is looking so pretty.
Congratulations on a new addition, a lovely birth sampler to treasure for the parents.
Stay safe x

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

The birth sampler is a wonderful gift. You sure are busy at the moment.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Congratulations on the Happy Dance and the new baby too!
I love God in the Garden, so pretty and delicate.

Katie said...

Gorgeous work on everything! Can't wait to see more of the bird biscornu. Sounds interesting.