Saturday, May 9, 2020

Maynia Day Nine

Are you tired of hearing from me yet?  LOL!!  I'm not sure if you remember the challenge our LNS had covering a year starting mid year last year.  One of the items I stitched was the top of Sarah Elliott's Sewing Chest.  Well....I decided I wanted to stitch more of the things that go inside the chest.  So...the first thing I began stitching today was the inside of the top.  This is stitched on 36 count Mourning Dove.  There is still some border and another mermaid to stitch, but a lot of the work you see here was done over one linen thread.  I don't think it would take too much longer to finish perhaps on a light day during the month I could finish this up.  We'll see.  I'm showing the top that I finished last year, and then a close up of the mermaid.  I love this set so much!  It's been a fun stitch so far!

I hope you are all staying safe and keeping well.  Happy Stitching!


Julie said...

So very pretty and delicate looking.
Stay safe, take care x

Clare-Aimetu said...

It's great watching Maynia, forget me not is very appropriate hee hee

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

Your stitching over 1 looks so fine and delicate.

Katie said...

I love mermaids. Cool piece!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

I remember this project. It is beautiful and your mermaid is lovely.