13 years ago
Friday, May 29, 2020
Now you see it....now you don't!
This was my stitching from today, May 29th. I ended up choosing Flowers & Lace by Kooler Designs. I realized after I had stitched the butterfly, that I had made a mistake counting. So....it had to come out. I set it aside for a few months because I was so discouraged. But...I decided today was the day and I would make it part of Maynia. I had to frog something else this month...so why not this one too. So...here are before...after I removed the butterfly, and after I had restitched it!
This is how it looked on March 18th.....
After I had frogged the butterfly....
And how it looks now. *Huge sigh of relief* Now I can pick it up and begin stitching without the "dread" of frogging hanging over me.
So....what will tomorrow bring? Decisions, decisions... Happy Stitching everybody!!
Almost done Maynia...
Hello Fellow Stitchers!
The last couple of days have been a little bit busy here...We have little things we do during the week... a telephonic Bible study on Wednesday, a zoom Bible study on Thursday, a zoom stitch party on Thursday morning and lately we have been taking a drive to Annapolis for various reasons. Our taxes are finally done...yay!! We even visited where we will be holding our church services once they are able to resume. Sunday morning and Sunday evening we watch online sermons. Life in quarantine...so exciting! LOL I'm glad I had Maynia to keep me doing something different every day! I've searched through part of my stash, until I find either an old WIP or something I had kitted up! When May is finally over I'm going to really go through my stash and get everything organized. Since Ben moved out I'm going to reorganize his room and make it my stitching room. I can't wait to get organized and set it up nice and comfy and start stitching in there. Watch this space, I'll take pictures as soon as it's done.
On to the Maynia mania...LOL I left off on Saturday May 23. I stitched on O Holy Night by Heaven and Earth Designs. Here are before and after pictures. This is stitched on 28 count ivory over one. I hadn't been marking the pattern as I was stitching (I'm going to have to fix that!!!) and it took me ages to figure out where I was in the pattern. I had started gridding it too, and that has helped somewhat. I sincerely hope to put a lot more stitches in this this year. Wish me luck!!
On May 24th I stitched on Potted Poinsettia by Little House Needleworks. I stitched on 32 count ivory over two and finished it on the same day!
Then I picked up Sarah Elliott's Sewing Chest and finished stitching the underside top of the chest. Two finishes in one day! Yay Me!!
On May 25th I stitched on Be Still and Know by My Big Toe. I was able to finish this in one day!! It was stitched on 32 count ivory over two using the hand dyed fibers it called for.
On May 26th I rummaged around and found Bless My Scissors by Not Forgotten Farm. This was a gift from a friend that I received at our St. Michaels retreat. I had started it at the retreat, then tucked it away and in the mad dash after getting home, forgot where I had put it. It's amazing the things you find sorting through your stash!! LOL It's nice to have it stitched...now to finally finish!
May 27th I found another half finished project. This is Live Laugh Love by La D Da. I had stitched this a long time ago then gave it away as a gift to someone. I still had all the Belle Soie silks, and had started one for myself. I have before and after pictures...hopefully I'll actually finish this one and get it framed. I love the sentiment on this one. It's stitched on 3o count WDW straw over one. I love working with silks!!!
Yesterday May 28th I worked on Giving Thanks. I found the pattern, hand dyed floss, and fabric sitting in a bag that I had bought when it first was published. Yes, I have a pretty extensive stash!! I have always loved this pattern, and I really hope I can finish a lot of the things I started in May next month! Wish me luck!! This is stitched on 36 count Lakeside Buttercream over two. I love how it looks!!
That brings me to today. I'm not sure what I will pick up today, I'm ready to get back to a big design. I'll post what I stitch the next time I'm able.
We've been keeping our bird feeder full...and I'm fascinated by the birds we have visiting our feeder. Seems we see different birds out there all the time. We changed the seeds we had out there because store we get our seed from (Wild Birds Unlimited) wasn't open for a while. The seed brought in different birds...that was an interesting find! So when we were able we switched back to our other seed, it brings in the smaller birds which I think are more fun to watch. We haven't been able to identify all the birds yet, and I get a giggle out of the ones who like to eat upside down! I haven't been able to get a picture of that one, but I think we identified it as a White Breasted Nuthatch. I'll leave you with a few pictures of the birds. Sorry for the dirty window...with the humidity and off and on storms we've been having, you never know what condition the windows will be in from day to day...LOL!!
Hoping everyone is safe and well and that you are finding things to occupy your time. My hairdresser finally opened, and we have an appointment for tomorrow. I'll finally be able to see again! As my Mother would say....I look like the Wild Woman From Woolly! LOL Stay safe, and Happy Stitching!
The last couple of days have been a little bit busy here...We have little things we do during the week... a telephonic Bible study on Wednesday, a zoom Bible study on Thursday, a zoom stitch party on Thursday morning and lately we have been taking a drive to Annapolis for various reasons. Our taxes are finally done...yay!! We even visited where we will be holding our church services once they are able to resume. Sunday morning and Sunday evening we watch online sermons. Life in quarantine...so exciting! LOL I'm glad I had Maynia to keep me doing something different every day! I've searched through part of my stash, until I find either an old WIP or something I had kitted up! When May is finally over I'm going to really go through my stash and get everything organized. Since Ben moved out I'm going to reorganize his room and make it my stitching room. I can't wait to get organized and set it up nice and comfy and start stitching in there. Watch this space, I'll take pictures as soon as it's done.
On to the Maynia mania...LOL I left off on Saturday May 23. I stitched on O Holy Night by Heaven and Earth Designs. Here are before and after pictures. This is stitched on 28 count ivory over one. I hadn't been marking the pattern as I was stitching (I'm going to have to fix that!!!) and it took me ages to figure out where I was in the pattern. I had started gridding it too, and that has helped somewhat. I sincerely hope to put a lot more stitches in this this year. Wish me luck!!
On May 24th I stitched on Potted Poinsettia by Little House Needleworks. I stitched on 32 count ivory over two and finished it on the same day!
Then I picked up Sarah Elliott's Sewing Chest and finished stitching the underside top of the chest. Two finishes in one day! Yay Me!!
On May 25th I stitched on Be Still and Know by My Big Toe. I was able to finish this in one day!! It was stitched on 32 count ivory over two using the hand dyed fibers it called for.
On May 26th I rummaged around and found Bless My Scissors by Not Forgotten Farm. This was a gift from a friend that I received at our St. Michaels retreat. I had started it at the retreat, then tucked it away and in the mad dash after getting home, forgot where I had put it. It's amazing the things you find sorting through your stash!! LOL It's nice to have it stitched...now to finally finish!
May 27th I found another half finished project. This is Live Laugh Love by La D Da. I had stitched this a long time ago then gave it away as a gift to someone. I still had all the Belle Soie silks, and had started one for myself. I have before and after pictures...hopefully I'll actually finish this one and get it framed. I love the sentiment on this one. It's stitched on 3o count WDW straw over one. I love working with silks!!!
Yesterday May 28th I worked on Giving Thanks. I found the pattern, hand dyed floss, and fabric sitting in a bag that I had bought when it first was published. Yes, I have a pretty extensive stash!! I have always loved this pattern, and I really hope I can finish a lot of the things I started in May next month! Wish me luck!! This is stitched on 36 count Lakeside Buttercream over two. I love how it looks!!
That brings me to today. I'm not sure what I will pick up today, I'm ready to get back to a big design. I'll post what I stitch the next time I'm able.
We've been keeping our bird feeder full...and I'm fascinated by the birds we have visiting our feeder. Seems we see different birds out there all the time. We changed the seeds we had out there because store we get our seed from (Wild Birds Unlimited) wasn't open for a while. The seed brought in different birds...that was an interesting find! So when we were able we switched back to our other seed, it brings in the smaller birds which I think are more fun to watch. We haven't been able to identify all the birds yet, and I get a giggle out of the ones who like to eat upside down! I haven't been able to get a picture of that one, but I think we identified it as a White Breasted Nuthatch. I'll leave you with a few pictures of the birds. Sorry for the dirty window...with the humidity and off and on storms we've been having, you never know what condition the windows will be in from day to day...LOL!!
Hoping everyone is safe and well and that you are finding things to occupy your time. My hairdresser finally opened, and we have an appointment for tomorrow. I'll finally be able to see again! As my Mother would say....I look like the Wild Woman From Woolly! LOL Stay safe, and Happy Stitching!
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Playing Maynia Catch Up....
Don't ask me where I've been...I couldn't tell ya...LOL!! The past week was a blur. I lost all track of days, I couldn't tell you what I've done, or who I talked to. I switched projects every day and hopefully I made enough notes so I know what I stitched on each day, but I'm making no promises. I've heard it called COVID Fog. I might blame it on allergies. I do know I wound up last night with a fierce headache and it feels like the left side of my face is on fire. I think it all settled into my sinuses and my ear...if I'm not better by Monday I'll call the Doc. In the meanwhile, I'll try to write out this blog post with as few grammatical and spelling errors as possible. LOL I want/need to record what I'm doing otherwise I'll forget.
I want to thank those who faithfully comment on my blog and I do apologize for not answering you as often as I should. I'm trying hard to limit my time online as I really think all the wretched news and exposure to whatever emits from these devices are not good for you!! I find when I sit down I open Facebook and I just get sucked in. So far I've been able to keep my opinions to myself for the most part but some of the things people write are upsetting and it's bad enough I have to hear daily rants from DH who keeps the news on almost 24/7. It's tough living with a person with a Political Science degree. LOL
Ok, on to the important stuff. Let's see....where did I leave off? (Pulling up my blog in another window... ) Holy smokes has it really been since May 15th?? This is really going to test the old grey matter. Ok...here goes....
On May 15th I stitched on Vierlanden Diamond Stags by Weihenburg Designs. I am using Pacific Blue Gloriana silk and this is stitched on 28 count ivory over one. I love how this is coming out...I'm not sure why it was stuck in a box and stored for so many years, but in cleaning out some boxes I found it. As soon as Maynia is over I hope to devote some more time to this! The last time I stitched on this was in April 2017. Here are before and after photos
On May 16th I stitched up a Wedding Ornament by Shannon Christine Designs real quick. I thought it was appropriate to stitch this on the 16th as that would have been Ben and Heather's wedding day had the virus not caused it to be rescheduled. Turns out it was serendipitous that the wedding had been postponed as Ben developed appendicitis that morning and spent nearly the rest of the day in the Emergency Room and had an emergency appendectomy that evening. The Lord truly works in mysterious ways! They sure will have some lovely stories to tell their kids and grandkids one day! This was stitched on 40 count Burch over two.
On May 17th I worked on Tulip Shaker Box by Jeanette Douglas Designs. I found this while on vacation in Ocean City. I love her designs, and thought I had found all the fibers I needed...then realized when I went to start it that I didn't. Don't ask me to recall which ones I substituted...and quite frankly I'm not in love with how this is turning out so I may switch colors later. I couldn't even tell you what fabric I'm using....COVID brain strikes again! I think it might be 40 count flax over two.
On May 18th I worked on a Dimensions kit Elegant Bookmarks I bought a few years ago. I'm thankful my friends are either as forgetful as I am, or REALLY forgiving...haha. I bought this while my friend, Donna, was visiting from NY. I promised to stitch these for her and then kinda lost the kit. While cleaning I found it and thought I would stitch one up real quick for Maynia....well, that didn't happen. It's stitched on 14 count Aida, and there are a lot of 1/2 and 1/4 stitches so it's driving me mad and slowing me waaaaaay down. Maybe by her birthday next January I'll get er done. Fingers crossed!!
On May 19th I worked on Be Well by Hewitt Hill Samplers. This is one of the quarantine freebies that are out there. I wanted to stitch on one while locked down...and I thought this would be perfect as my thoughts have been on Ben...hoping he didn't contract anything while in the ER the previous Saturday. He's feeling much better these days so hopefully he dodged getting the virus. This is stitched on 40 count Vintage Mocha over two. I should have stitched it on white, I think it would have looked a little more colorful.
On May 20th I stitched on 12 Berries of Christmas - 8 Maids a Milking by Erica Michaels. I started this series a while ago...and I really hope to finish up the last 4 this year. I would love to display them at Christmas time along with the other set of 12 Days ornaments I hope to finish this year. I think this is stitched on 32 count Mocha over two.
On May 21st I stitched on Quakers in France. I started this when the SAL started...I think it was last year. It got set aside when I had to go to NY to take care of my Mother's estate...and I kind of lost track of it again. This is another one that I found while cleaning out things earlier this year. I had the first part done, and I thought I would finish at least one other part...no such luck. But I do like the colors of the motifs in this one, so hopefully when the month is over I can get back to some of these half finished items and get them done! This is stitched on 40 count vintage mocha over two. For once I have before and after pictures!!!
On May 22nd I pulled out another one I found while cleaning. This is a combination of Sheep in the Meadow by Country Cottage Designs and the Sheep Virtues by Little House Needleworks. I'm going to be changing some of the colors to help them to look good together. I started this so many years ago I can't remember when....and realized I made a huge mistake. This is stitched on 28 natural over one...and a good portion needed to be frogged before I could begin stitching on it again. I spent two hours frogging, and then filled in a little bit before I set it aside for the night. Pat Carson recently posted a graph that explained how it had to be altered so it would fit and now I have guidance how to stitch it up correctly. I love this one so much and am excited to be back on the right track! This one will be hard to put down once I have time to devote to it! Here are before and after pictures....remember I frogged a TON of over one, so the smaller picture is the most recent.
That brings me to today. I had set aside the Nativity by Heaven and Earth Designs to work on today, but since I woke up with this nagging headache, I think it might be too hard to concentrate on. I think I'll go back up and rethink what I'll stitch today...and hopefully will be back soon with pictures to show you what I've been up to! I hope you have a thoughtful and respectful Memorial Day weekend, remembering those who have fallen in defense of our country. It's a gorgeous day here today, I might take a walk and meditate on how grateful I feel that I live in this great country....and remember those who gave all for our freedom. Happy Stitching
Friday, May 15, 2020
May Gifted Gorgeousness
It's that wonderful time of month where we get to showcase our gifted items! Thanks to Jo over at Serendipitous Stitching who hosts this challenge, I've been working on items that have been gifted to me, or items I am gifting others. She has a page where you can sign up (and you an sign up at any time) and a list of rules if you are interested. You can reach that page by clicking here. And if you want to see what the rest of us are doing, you can find us on her main page by clicking here.
It's been a bit chaotic here at DJ's Digs...so hopefully I won't duplicate things...I've been a bit out of wack lately. First up is Marie Antoinette's Kaleidoscope. I have worked on this since the last GG update, but will work again on it in the next few days for Maynia. Here is where I left off since the last update. This was a gift from my husband for our anniversary one year. He got all the threads, beads and fabric too as a surprise for me!
I was able to finish up Blooming Bouquets Thankful by Jeanette Douglas...a gift from a friend who received the kit at a retreat but decided not to stitch it.
I finished the May bird from Birds and Blackwork Flowers by Lesley Teare...this SAL was a gift from my husband for Christmas. I love these creations...the colors are fabulous.
I finished up two Christmas ornaments. My husband gifts these magazines to me every year. The first is Peppermint Pal Carolyn Manning Designs from the 2019 JCS Ornament issue.
And the second is from the 2011 JCS Ornament issue called Winter Squirrel by Victoria Sampler.
I started working on more pieces of Sarah Elliott's Sewing Chest that was gift from a friend of mine. I finished the top part for a challenge by my LNS last year, so I decided to finish more items from the chest for part of Maynia. I didn't finish this part, it's the underside of the top. Aren't the mermaids amazing? They are stitched over one on 36 count mourning dove fabric. I'm nearly done, all that is left is the over two stitching, the border around edge.
And who could forget Gloria by Tempting Tangles? This was also a Christmas gift from my husband. I'm working hard to keep up with this SAL!! It's stitched on 32 count white opalescent.
I've put a few more stitches in Beach Wedding which will be a wedding sampler for the kids. The wedding had to be postponed (it would have been this Saturday) until September and we are keeping our fingers crossed that it will still take place then. Hopefully they will have this virus under control by then.
I stitched up this baby Yoda (I guess the name is really The Child if you want to get all technical...LOL) for a friend of mine. We Star Wars fans need to stick together!!! LOL
I won't be posting any Maynia pictures today...I'll post then the next time. I hope all of you are keeping safe and staying well! Happy Stitching!
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Three Days of Maynia I missed...
It's been a wild and wacky few days. I've had a terrible time keeping track of time this week. I'm not going into details, but just suffice it to say when my routine is changed I just lose my way. To top it off, wrenches kept getting tossed in my life and I just haven't had time to blog. Maynia mania is driving me manic...hahaha
So let's start back on the 12th. I'm still either starting something new, or picking up something different every day. I have had this piece I started last year sitting staring at me for a while. It was a SAL I had started and when I had to run to NY to take care of my Mom's estate, this poor piece got left by the wayside. I love the colors in it and hope to finish it one of these days. All the pieces have been released, so I quick stitched up three parts yesterday. It's such a pretty piece! Here is where I finally left off on the 12th. This is Watermeadows Garden by Tempting Tangles stitched on 40 count white over two.
On the 13th I decided to quickly finish up a birth sampler that I had started months ago. The baby was born last week, but I just hadn't had time to chart out the name and date until now. I'm not going to show the completed piece. Just know there is a name and date on it now, so this was the piece I finished this day.
Today I stitched on the bottom half of the Brown Bird Biscornu. This one has so much counting in it that it slows me waaaaay down. I love the way it looks. We had such a busy day today ... two zoom meetings (one a Bible Study...which I had to re read the chapter and answer the questions before the meeting tonight) an expedition to pick up medications and a few supplies that took us to three different stores today and a trip to the post office. Soooo....I didn't get much stitching done on this. I really hope to finish this up one of these days (maybe after the month of May is over...we will see!!)
Tomorrow is another errand day. I promise I'm being careful...scary times for sure! I hope you all are staying safe and keeping well. Tomorrow is Gifted Gorgeousness...so I may not post a Maynia picture tomorrow...but I promise to catch up with it soon! Happy Stitching!
Monday, May 11, 2020
11 Days of Maynia
Today I decided to stitch on something I had already started. This will eventually be a Wedding sampler for Ben and Heather. This is called Beach Wedding and came from a World of Cross Stitch magazine (I think). I'm struggling with this one, I'm not sure why I'm finding it hard to work on...but I probably should get a move on since the wedding is supposed to happen this fall.
Nothing else new to report I guess....I hope everyone is staying safe. Happy Stitching!
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