Friday, December 13, 2024

Advent Day 13

Happy Friday!  And welcome to Day 13.  It has been a wild week so far...but hopefully today I can get back on track.  Every day this week has presented with a new curve!  LOL  From surprise packages left at our door, to having an unexpected day with our oldest granddaughter, not a single thing has gone as planned...but it's all good!  Our granddaughter's day care worker was taken ill and cancelled the rest of the week with the we got the call Wednesday night that she would be spending the day with us yesterday.  So...I pulled out my Mom's old recipe book and found my Grandmother's recipe for rolled sugar cookies.  She was such a fabulous cook, and nothing was ever measured or weighed.  The only thing I know for sure is the temperature and how long to bake the!!  But there were enough clues to get me through making them, and they turned out DELISH!  We made the dough the night before because it had to chill for at least 3 hours.  Little Miss Sassy Pants had fun rolling the dough, cutting out the shapes, then decorating them before they went in the oven.  She did it all with only a little help from us.  She amazes me with her ability to learn so quickly.  She did so well rolling the dough, keeping the rolling surface sprinkled with flour and flouring the rolling pin...she's quite the little baker!  The floor was covered in flour, along with her shirt, Pappy's pants, and all of our noses, because that's the fun of baking, right?  

We had dinner out with the kids once their errands were done (they were Christmas shopping for Miss Sassy Pants and couldn't take her with them) then came home to drop into bed.  She is so much fun, but sure tires us out!  LOL  Needless to say, I didn't get a lot of stitching done.  I still got my 30 minutes it's all good!  And that's all the news for today!  I'm thankful it's Friday, and a much needed day of rest for me.  I hope all is well in your neck of the woods.  It's a bitter cold day here today, so I'm wrapping myself up in my warm woolens and settling down to stitch.   Happy Stitching!!  


Robin in Virginia said...

What a fun day of cookie making you had, DJ! While your day didn't go as you had planned originally, the memories of the day will always be with you all. Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend!

diamondc said...

Merry Christmas DJ: What a fun post, little Miss Sassy Pants is adorable.
Grandpa, oh so cute helping her.
I still have my old recipe box from 8th grade home economics class.


Crystal Digitizing said...

amazing desigsn digitizing great digitizing work @!21