Friday, December 20, 2024

Advent Day 20

Merry Christmas and Happy Friday!  I had the BEST day shopping with my good friend Lady M yesterday.  It's funny how we met, on jury duty.  We made each other laugh, and still do.  We don't see each other too often, but when we get together we have a lot of fun.  It was nice "lady shopping" with her....when I shop with DH, it's almost a surgical procedure.  He knows what he is looking for, we practically trot to where it should be...find what we think we are looking for, don't look at labels, just pick it up and trot to the checkout...we are in and out of stores in minutes.  When we get home we realize we have the wrong size, color, shape, etc so we usually end up going back and doing the whole procedure all over!!  Lady M and I were at the mall for hours yesterday...strolling along, looking at things and prices, hitting the shops we really needed to hit first, then off to see what else we could find.  I love shopping like that.  In just a few hours we had put in over 4,000 steps!  LOL!!  But the good news is, I'm finally finished shopping.  

I thought I would wrap today, but I really missed stitching yesterday, and I'm soooooo close to finishing I think I'll do that instead.  I still have a couple of days to wrap.  

Today the Advent Box had a pattern from The Blue Flower.  Her patterns are so unique.  Today was one of a whale, and though it really wasn't my style, I think I might stitch it.  My husband collects whales...he might just like this one!  Perhaps a Christmas present for next year?  We will see.  You can find a picture in the Advent Box page.  

I nearly made it to the top of the Christmas tree yesterday.  I will have a little outlining to do, then on to the upper window which only has a little bit of stitching to do.  Fingers crossed I'll get this finished before the day is through!  It's a dull dreary day today, perfect for stitching.

I hope you all are preparing heart and mind for the Christmas season.  I am enjoying hearing the Christmas Carols.  Do you have a favorite?  Mine is by Evie and is called Move Me Closer A Shepherd's Prayer.  Here is a link to the You Tube song (click here).  

Ok, time to get some stuff done around here.  Happy Stitching! 

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

It sounds like you had a good shopping outing with your friend and the best part (other than spending time with her) is that you are finished with shopping. Your tree is looking good. Enjoy your Friday, DJ.