Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Advent Day 3

Hi!  It's a brand new day...and I've been thinking about things and how I should post on my blog.  First, though, my dear husband bought me a new Advent Calendar.  I collect nativities...and I fell in love with this at first sight.  I just love it!!  And here are the two I've stitched.  I hope you don't get tired of these...if so, just scroll on by.  Maybe I should alternate which Advent I post?  Hm...decisions decisions.

I've also been thinking about the Advent box.  I've opened a new page at the top of my blog that I will post the items I've been opening from the Advent Box.  If you want to know what I'm receiving  you can look there,  just so it remains a surprise for others, or if you don't want to know you won't have to see it here.  I'll try to post as often as I can, but in all honesty I don't know if I'll be able to post every day.  There are usually a lot of events we attend each year, so this month tends to get a little busy.  

I'm still stitching every day, though I ran into a snag with Christmas House last night.  I realized I've been stitching with floss in some large parts when I should have been stitching with Pearle Cotton.  Oh dear, decisions decisions.  Should I tear out the floss, and restitch?  Or should I carry on?  I'm sure it would look better with the Pearle Cotton...but the thought of spending all that time redoing it all.  *Heavy sigh*.  Here is where I finished last night....the borders around the holly leaves and part of the roofline were supposed to be Pearle Cotton...What would you do?  

I fully finished something last night.  I'm not sure if I should post it here or not.  I think I'll wait as it's a gift for someone and I need to get it in the mail soon.  I think I'll wait until they receive it, but just so you know...lol...there are some things I really wish I could keep for myself, and this is one of them.  I sure hope she likes it!!  

Ok that's all the news I have for today.  I really should get some more things fully finished, but for some reason my brain is fried and I can't think how I want to work these finishes...and I need to find a box as it's time I sent that gift out.  I think I need to pour myself a cup of ambition...what do you think?  Wish me luck!  And Happy Stitching! 


Robin in Virginia said...

I love the Nativity Advent calendar your husband got you, DJ. It is beautiful. If I had all that time invested on the house piece, I would so continue on with it. Happy Tuesday!

Shelly said...

Oh man, Christmas House is so pretty! Maybe fudge it? I ran into a conundrum with my xs but I decided to fudge it. I like symmetry and I don't know if the count on the chart is correct and intentional or I'm making mountains out of molehills? I might have to frog an entire tree. I'm off to see what your next advent box goodie is🙂