Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Advent Day 11

I'm back!  And hopefully on track!  

For those who prayed for my husband yesterday, I truly thank you!  Everything went well, and the procedure worked well, so it's all good!  He is home recuperating today, so I doubt I'll get much stitching done today.  He slept the afternoon away yesterday so I was able to get some stitching done and I was back to stitching on Christmas House.  This one is just so fascinating, I have a hard time putting it down.  

The Advent gift was added to the page and when I saw it I almost dropped what I was doing to sit and stitch this one.  I LOVE it!!  I know what I'll be stitching and hanging next year for Christmas!  

I hope everyone is doing well, and soaking in the wonder and spirit of Christmas.  Happy Stitching! 


James Bailey said...

Lovely stitches. Jacket Back Digitizing Good job.

Robin in Virginia said...

Christmas House is looking fabulous, DJ. I love the pops of green and red against the white. Glad your husband's procedure went well.