Saturday, July 27, 2024

Stitch The Olympics: Day Two

Well....I made it to Day Two!  Today was The Parade of Nations where we were supposed to stitch something patriotic for the country of our choice!  I chose to stitch Let Freedom Bloom by Shepherds Bush.  I love her little sheep patterns, and this was a kit, so I used the floss provided and stitched on the included 32 count natural linen.  There were 649 stitches!  I started 

and finished the same day!  Go USA!!  

It's been a day!  We were out late watching the Orioles play...  

Their biggest cheerleader, Miss "I'm just here for the hotdogs"...

who was yelling Let's Go Orioles, and high fiving and fist bumping the guy sitting next to us (who got a big kick out of her) was a trooper and stayed awake the whole game.  Then we stayed to see the fireworks.  Very very late night for yours truly.  

Today we went to help the kids put some furniture they bought at Ikea together and did a little picking up and rearranging furniture.  I came home and finished up my project for today.  I'm ready for bed!  I wonder what tomorrow will bring?  I hope I'll be as productive...we will see.  Sleep well...and Happy Stitching!   


Shelly said...

What fun! I'd be like the Little Miss wearing a T-shirt like that! I'm more of a pro football fan but I would like to see the AZ Diamondbacks. You had smoking needles! Let Freedom Bloom is perfect 😍🇺🇲

Robin in Virginia said...

Your start and finish is darling, DJ. Well done! Love the pictures from the ballgame! Happy Sunday!

Clare-Aimetu said...

Great USA stitch, little Miss looks like she was enjoying herself