Saturday, May 6, 2023

What a week!!

I started out my week by finishing Rose Ada Featherstone, and on Friday I finished Gloria by Tempting Tangles.  

I've been working on this WIP for over 3 years.  It was second on my list that I hoped to finish this year.  A little later than I had hoped, but it's finished...YAY!  Now to find a place I would like to have frame it nicely.  There are days I wish I still worked in the frame shop (though it went out of business years ago).  I did learn a valuable lesson with this one...while it looks fabulous on opalescent fabric (it really doesn't show in the picture how sparkly it is) it sure was a mess to stitch on.  Otherwise I think I would have finished it while it was still a SAL.  Anyway, I'll keep to smaller pieces if I use it another time.  

Friday I also got to watch my granddaughter who is a joy to have around.  She is fun, and funny, and though I'm wiped out afterward, I love spending time with her.  I hope she is always as excited to see me as I am to see her.  

And Friday I found out I won a pattern that I helped name.  I won't receive it for a little while, but I'm excited to see it and stitch it.  I very rarely win anything, so this was super exciting for me!  

I've been watching the coronation of the British King today.  Don't you love all the pomp and circumstance?  It's a feast for the eyes as well as the ears.  The choir is fabulous as well as the other performers.  

And now I'm going to stitch a couple smaller pieces before I pick another WIP from my list.  Have a wonderful weekend!  Happy Stitching!!


Robin in Virginia said...

Oh DJ, Gloria is stunning. I know you are thrilled to have it out of the WIP pile. If you haven't used them, you might give Total Framing in Fairfax, VA a try for framing. They take pieces via the mail if you don't want to make the trip there. Have a wonderful weekend!

Shelly said...

Another great finish! I have a hard time stitching on opalescents. For me it's the sparkle; does crazy things to my eyes! Happy stitching!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Congratulations on the Happy Dance for Gloria! A Glorious finish and most appropriate for the Coronation Weekend as the hymn goes "happy and glorious, long to reign over us"!!
It still is difficult to remember to say "God Save the King" and not the Queen though.