Thursday, May 11, 2023

Oh Dear, I've Been Stung...

I had a Dr. appointment yesterday, a long overdue physical.  I have to tell you, I dread these things.  I love my Dr, but she's always finding things to send me off in a million different directions.  To begin with, my kids have had strep throat for the past week or so.  I started feeling unwell on Sunday so by the time I had my appointment I was already expecting to have tests to see if I had it.  In walked the nurse, donned in a yellow covering with face mask and plastic face shield, and gloves.  Nothing like making you feel like a walking bio hazard...LOL!!  Two swabs in each nostril, and two swabs to the throat.  I was tested for Flu A, Flu B, Covid and Strep.  The rapid strep test came back negative but they are sending out the longer lab test and I'll hear back from that in a few days.  Covid came back negative, as well as Flu A, but the Flu B came back positive.  Now I have to say, while I felt under the weather, I surely didn't think I had the flu, I really didn't feel that bad, the worst part was the sore throat.  Swallowing was a decision I didn't take lightly...LOL!!  I honestly didn't realize how out of it I was until I picked up my stitching last night and couldn't find my place in the pattern.  I was so far off in so many places I wasn't sure if I should frog or throw it in the trash bin and start over.  LOL!!  In the end, I frogged, and caught back up, and hope I didn't make any more mistakes...funny what a fever will do to your perception.  I was talking to a former college roomie (and fellow nursing student back in the day) who has the most delicious sense of humor and we've decided to say....I've been stung by the Flu-B (otherwise known as the flu-bee).  I should be past the infections stage now, but my DIL is taking all precautions to prevent Miss A from catching it so I won't get my Miss A fix until Mother's Day.  (To be honest, I suspect she is the one who gave it to me considering I haven't been anywhere since watching her last Friday and she was not feeling too well herself). 

 Anyway, I said all that to say.....I've been making headway on another WIP I had hanging out in the closet.  I've decided I'm going to stitch exclusively on this one (unless another Christmas Ornament jumps into the mix) until it's finished.  I dearly love this design though it's quite complicated.  I will think twice about picking it up should I feel feverish again as making a minor mistake on this throws quite a bit out of alignment.  This is Flowers and Lace by Kooler Designs.  I hope to finish it this month, do you think I will?  It's moving along so's a progress pic.  

And on that note, I'm off to get more stitching done, and maybe take a snooze or two.  What's happening in your neck of the woods?  Happy Stitching!


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Oh poor you! I agree that the children are walking germ factories but it's good for them to build up their immune systems. If only they wouldn't share their lovely bugs!

The floral lace design is beautiful but does look quite challenging so good luck with that one.

Robin in Virginia said...

DJ, I am sorry to hear that you are feeling unwell. Praying for a speedy recovery. Flowers and Lace is looking good. Heading over to opening day for the 2023 Farmers' Market in about 15 minutes. Can't wait to see what is available. Have a restful weekend!

diamondc said...

DJ: I hope you are feeling better soon, the Kooler design is beautiful.


Shelly said...

I work at a school so I'm amazed I haven't caught more bugs! Your WIP is gorgeous. Hope you and Miss A will feel better soon.