Monday, April 17, 2023

Monday, Monday...

Ahhh....*sigh of relief*  For once, in a very long time, I had no plans for the weekend.  It was quiet and peaceful and full of stitching!  I feel rested and oh so excited that I was able to stitch my weekend away.  Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with family, but sometimes you just need a weekend where you can watch all the stuff you had recorded on the DVR and stitch to your hearts content.  My DVR is now completely empty!  LOL!!  My husband even watched TWO Hallmark movies with is good!  I was able to finish two more projects (two ornaments that are part of the challenges I have each month) and that leaves the rest of the month to catch up on some SALs that are waiting in the wings!  I have the week free except for Friday when I get to see my granddaughter (it's been over a week and I miss her like crazy already!!).  I guess I should show you what you came her to see...some stitching!  

Here is the first one I completed this weekend.  This is Special Delivery by Durene Jones from the 2022 JCS Ornament issue.  It was stitched on 28 count white over two (I know...don't faint Jo!)...and all that filled in stitching was a challenge.  The fabric I used was pretty stiff and it was a chore to stab that fabric so many times, but I do like how it turned out.  

Next I finished Come & Behold Him by Fancy Work from the 2014 JCS Ornament Issue.  It is stitched on 32 count Antique white over two with DMC floss.  I have always wanted to stitch these, though I did leave off the initials.  It will be a gift for a family member this Christmas.  Is anyone else pleasantly surprised that a finished stitching piece looks so much better than the picture in the pattern?    I truly love when that happens, but then it makes it so much harder to give away.  Sometimes I wonder if the recipient loves it as much as I do?  Oh well, that's life.  

I have a confession to fingers did a bit of walking this weekend.  The new Stoney Creek magazine is out, so of course I had to surf over to their website to pick up a copy...and a few other things fell into my cart.  Oops...I'll be getting some much needed fabric...yay!  

I also decided I wanted to make some a trip to Amazon landed some jewelry findings into my basket there.  They should be delivered tomorrow.  I'm thinking I might want to wear some of my stitching.  Have you ever wanted to try that?  I made something for a pen pal a year or so ago...and have wanted to make one for me, I hope the findings I sent for are what I hope they will be.  I love stitching tiny patterns, fingers crossed these will be what I'm looking for!  Stay tuned, I'll be stitching on a tiny piece in a few days!  

Ok, I'm off like a herd of turtles, my head is spinning with ideas and I need to get some finishing done.  Wish me luck!  Happy Stitching! 


diamondc said...

Greetings DJ: The Doreen Santa is adorable; his face makes me smile.
Come And Behold Him is beautiful, I agree that some stitching does look better than the pattern photo.
I hope you post a photo of the jewelry you are working on.
It's always fun to get stash.
Have a ball with your granddaughter.


Robin in Virginia said...

Both ornaments look wonderful, DJ. And yes, I love it when the design looks much lovelier than the picture. That is one of the reasons I enjoy seeing stitchers' projects. I look forward to seeing your jewelry making endeavor. Have a great week!

aussie aNNie said...

Deb this is stunning, I am always loving seeing crafters like you x

Clare-Aimetu said...

Great work, and super you had a chilled weekend. Itchy fingers often lead to great crafting fun ... enjoy!