Friday, September 29, 2023

Ornaments Galore!

Well who knows what each day will bring?  I've been working on finishing up all the ornaments from this year's challenge.  It's been...well...a challenge!  LOL!!  But I decided that this year, if I stitched an ornament, I would finish it within the year!  Yay!!  Only two more to go and they will take some brain power to fully!!  Yesterday I finished up the last ornament for the challenges this year...whew!  It was this one...Holly 'N Hardanger by The Sweetheart Tree from the 2005 JCS Ornament issue.  

It's stitched on 32 count natural opalescent over two.  I've had this in my to do pile for ages, but with all the recent hardanger I've been working on this year, I finally decided to give it a go.  I finished stitching it yesterday and fully finished it right after.  I've had a lot of ornament finishes this year, this may be close to my favorite!  

I then pulled out the others I finished stitching this year and fully finished these...  Little Reindeer by Suzanna Lima Cross Stitch (2022 JCS Ornament Issue)  stitched on 40 count white over two.  

Snow In Love by  Alice Okon Needleart (2016 JCS Ornament issue) stitched on 28 count cream over one.  

Deck the Haul by Saving Grace Needlearts (2022 JCS Ornament issue)  Stitched on 14 count white perforated plastic  

Love & Joy by From The Heart Needlearts (2022 JCS Ornament Issue) Stitched on 32 count Pearl Grey over one  

and Polar Night Sighting by StitchSprout (2023 JCS Ornament Issue)  Stitched on 40 count white over two.  

As I was looking for something (isn't that the way we always find those forgotten treasures?) I stumbled across a this one, that I dearly love (except for his face, for some reason I just didn't like how it looked when done) and thought it needed to be hung on a tree this year.  This is Santa Claus Is Coming To Town by Vermillion Stitchery (1999 JCS Ornament Issue) which has been languishing in a box since 2019..yes it's been sitting around for over 4 years!!! It's stitched over one but I have no idea what fabric it's stitch on.

I found a whole bunch more that I finished stitching years ago!  I really need to get some finishing done!  Stay Tuned!!  LOL  I see a lot more finishing coming up!  

I must have been super excited about finishing, I really don't remember my fingers working as I was watching the Baltimore Orioles clinch the American League East Championship which will put them in the playoffs without the wild card runoff.  It was their 100th game and there was a lot of celebration going on!  My family was at the game (minus me...I wasn't feeling too well, but I'll be at the game tonight!)  I'm super excited for my son as he has followed the Orioles since he was 6 years old and this was a dream come true for him!  Ok, I'm off to find out what mischief I can get into today and get myself ready for the game tonight!  I hope you all are having a fabulous day...Happy Stitching!


Clare-Aimetu said...

What a beautiful selection of finishes, you have been busy. Your ribbon edging always looks so lovely, I'm never sure how to do it.

diamondc said...

DJ: What a lovely display of ornaments and your finishing is perfect, thank-you for sharing.
I am sure we all have some stitching hiding away waiting for fully finished, I know I do.


Robin in Virginia said...

Your ornament finishes are each so pretty, DJ. Congratulations to the Orioles! Wishing you a very happy October!

Katie said...

Wow I love all your finishes. I need to get back to doing my finishes sometime.