Saturday, September 2, 2023

Fairly Exciting!

Well, that was exciting!  I purposely didn't post any pictures of what I was taking to the State Fair.  I will admit (even though there were those who have said, "I told you so."), I was a little apprehensive.  I took 7 things to the fair this year.  6 of them won blue ribbons, and one didn't win anything.  I'm not sure why I took the Grinch ornament, I just thought he was cute.  He didn't win anything and honestly, I'm not surprised.  I didn't expect all of the others to win blue, honestly!!  I know I'm often too critical of my own work.  I suspect the ones I submitted in a few of the categories (blackwork, and over one) were the only ones in those categories.  BUT...the blackwork piece, and the flowers received special awards in addition to the blue ribbons.  Gloria received a special burgundy ribbon...and I'm not exactly sure what that was for.  I do know it's a step up from the special yellow ribbons (special award) and a step down from the Fair President's award.  I'll have to check with someone when I pick up my entries and will post again when I know.  I'm literally blown away!  If you could see some of the beautiful pieces that were there, you would understand my surprise.  

Going to the fair with family is always fun.  There are special booths set up for a number of different things in addition to the rides and games.  We got to see some piglets that were only 3 days old!  We saw some chicks that were only a few hours old.  And we saw lots of cows, and sheep, and goats, and alpacas, and horses, and ducks.  I think seeing those little piglets were my favorite.  And Little Miss A loved talking to each of them in their own language... oink, moo, baa, quack, and neigh!  She definitely knows her animal languages!  I'll be going to the fair again next week with Lady M.  It's tradition that we go each year when it's open.  We have waaaaay too much fun and get lots of chuck muscle exercising in!  

I have started a few new projects, and finished a few things since the last time I posted.  The finished items are Christmas ornaments.  These are from JCS Ornament Issues and both are stitched on 36 count Twilight, the first is Christmas Sheeping by Nikyscreations from the 2022 issue stitched over one.  

The second is Lantern Santa by Sue Hillis Designs stitched over two from the 2011 issue.  

For Sampler September I started The Beatrix Potter Quaker Sampler.  I'm stitching this on 28 count Legacy over one using DMC 356.  The pattern and floss was a gift from my husband for Christmas.  He wanted me to choose my own fabric because he wasn't sure of the count or color.  It calls for Ivory, but I like the look of the Legacy with the floss color he chose.  It was a busy day yesterday so I didn't get far.   

I'm also catching up on the Peppermint Purple 2023 SAL.  I've decided I'll stitch (maybe) an hour a day on it until I'm caught up.  I'm only a couple of weeks behind now, but I also want to work on the border so when I finish the last part it will be complete.  We will see how that!!  

I hope I haven't overwhelmed you!  I hope wherever you are you are safe and healthy!  Thanks for stopping by, and as always I do appreciate your comments!  Happy Stitching! 


Robin in Virginia said...

Oh DJ, congratulations to you on your pieces and their ribbons from the fair! Each one is so deserving of their ribbons. Well done! Your stitched ornaments on the twilight fabric look fabulous. Nice start on the Quaker sampler and lovely progress on the blackwork piece. Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

diamondc said...

Hi DJ: You could never overwhelm us with your posts, Congratulations on your Fair ribbons, you have so many beautiful entries, I hope you enter Peppermint Purple next year I see a fair ribbon on that one.
I am looking forward to seeing your next start.


Katie said...

Congrats on your beautiful ribbons. I'm the same way I worry about my pieces being judged. I don't stitch to be perfect. I stitch because I love it. You deserved the awards though for sure.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Congratulations on all the ribbons! Your work is lovely so no-one should be surprised that you won so many.