It's my favorite time of year! I love it when the leaves turn those brilliant fall colors, the air gets a bit nippy, and the world seems to slow down a bit. Well not necessarily in my case...haha.
I just got back from vacation and my world didn't slow down one bit..haha. Before we left we celebrated Little Miss A's birthday. A few days later we were on the road. I signed up for a needlework class with Ellen Chester from With My Needle at Hobby House Needleworks in Pittsford, NY.
What a lovely person Ellen is! She made class fun, explained everything in great detail, and even showed some really neat ways to make bands turn out fabulous! I learned so much and had such a great time. And I'm beginning to like going to these classes on my own. It's great meeting new people, I even sat next to a lady from Baltimore (completely by chance!).
The learning project we were stitching from was called Kindred Spirits. There was a needle roll, pin cube, shaker basket, ruler cover, scissor weight, scissor holder and a 3 sided thimble holder. We also received the scrimshaw ruler and floss winders. We learned several specialty stitches...and so much more! I've been working here and there but have only managed to finish the 6 sides of the pin cube. I can't wait to get started on the rest.
I will say, the fabric is fabulous, 36 count and though some of it is worked over one fabric thread, with the silk it's like working with butter. I love stitching on this! Our vacation didn't stop there, we left NY on Sunday night, drove to Allentown, PA, then on to Ocean City the next day to celebrate the kid's 3rd anniversary. Whew! We watched Little Miss A so they could enjoy an evening out. We just love spending time with our little family!

We shopped for clothes and for needlework supplies, I think I have enough fabric to last the rest of my life now...haha...and patterns to work and share. Call me a happy camper! From there we came home to help the kids move into their new (to them) home. I rested Saturday but Sunday we helped paint walls and trim, sat with the house on Monday while they laid carpeting in the halls, bedrooms and up the stairs, and will be helping them move in the rest of the week. They have to be out of their apartment by the end of September. Whew!
While waiting for the carpet guys, I stitched a bit on Christmas in a Drawer by Mani di Donna. There are three patterns, I was able to finish the first, Merry & Bright. This was stitched on 30 count Cocoa by Weeks Dye Works. I would wash cupboards, then stitch a bit to rest my arm, then clean out another cupboard. LOL Tearing out old adhesive shelf paper was tough work! My arm will feel that for a few days!
Well I guess that's all the news. I'll be back to stitching soon, (I hope) the old body can't take the hard work anymore, it's exhausting! I hope everyone is safe (especially those in the path of the storms headed our way) and healthy! Happy Stitching!