Sunday, October 31, 2021

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!  And welcome to the last day of the month of October.  I had sat down several times to write a post, but something always dragged me away...and now it's the last day of the this is the last post you'll be able to post on.  I'm going to give anyone who wants a last chance to comment on this blog post to win the giveaway so I won't draw the name until the 15th of November and I'll announce it on my Gifted Gorgeousness post.  Here is a picture of what you'll be in the drawing for...A little tart with "Be Well and Just Keep Stitching" by Sue Hillis stitched in it.  A small heart shaped button with a pink ribbon in the middle.  Needle Roll and Needle Case pattern by JBW Designs.  Springtime Blossoms by Hob-Nob Designs Inc, with the button included.  Here is a picture of what is included.  

We had a visit from our favorite trick-0r-treater today...who had a costume change before the day was over.  No candy this year, but watch out next year!  LOL  

I hope you all are having a safe and fun Halloween!  Happy Stitching!


diamondc said...

DJ: Poppy has the best shoulder in the world, look at that beautiful face resting on it and sleeping.
What a doll.
The costumes are adorable but that pumpkin outfit is positively my favorite.
Nice giveaway items.
Where did the month of October go it went so fast.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

What a cute little spooky baby!