Monday, June 3, 2024

Who's on a roll?

Whew....I have been on a roll lately!  I probably should take some time soon to fully finish a few things...I've actually knocked out 3 more projects since I finished Frosty Weather!  I think I know how I want to finish everything, but as I was telling Ms. Mouse today, my brain has to be in the right frame of mind.  Anyone else have that problem?  Let's hope tomorrow is that day!  

Anyway, let me show you what I've been up to...  Yesterday I finished Long May She Wave, which has been in my stash for years.  This is a lovely pattern by Blackberry Lane and I picked this up because I like patriotic pieces.  I guess I have a soft spot since DH spent 25 years serving in the Army and I was beside him for 22 of those years.  We love this country!  This is stitched on 28 count white over one.  

The next one is Poinsettia Fairy by Kathleen Berlew from the 2023 JCS Ornament Issue, it's also stitched on 28 count white over one.  I love how it came out!  

Last is The Decorating Owl by Jesse Schofield also from the 2023 JCS Ornament Issue and is stitched on 28 count black over one.  Both of these were finished today!  

It's been a productive day!  Hopefully by the next time I post they will all be fully finished, fingers crossed!  

We all had a great time over the weekend while we sat through another Orioles game against Tampa Bay...and we won!!  What a difference a few days made!  It was a wee bit warmer this time around, but we enjoyed sitting in the sun for a change (the last few times we've been to a game, it was raining!  LOL).  It will be harder for me as the weather warms up...I'm not a fan of hot weather!  But it's still fun having outings with the family!  

Well, I guess I have decisions to make tomorrow...what to stitch, what to finish, and should I take a walk around Hobby Lobby looking for a finishing idea for the Nebula.  Anybody want to join me in a stroll?  haha  I'll let you know how it all shakes out.  Until next time...Happy Stitching!


Robin in Virginia said...

Each one of your finishes is fabulous, DJ. My favorite of the trio is the flag star. Wow! Glad you had some sunshine at the ball game! Hope you had a good stroll around Hobby Lobby.

Katie said...

I love all 3 pieces but the patriotic star is adorable of course. We have such similar tastes haha.