Tuesday, June 18, 2024

An old finish and a new start!

I've had a few little finishes that didn't fall under Gifted Gorgeousness so I decided I had better update here a little bit.  I had hoped to get them fully finished before I posted them, but you know...life.  It's been a little hectic with Father's Day, my son's birthday, and lots of little outings too.  More about them later.  

I've been madly stitching things to update my mantle for the summer.  I found a few patriotic pieces to stitch (believe me when I tell you there are tons more I WANT to stitch...lol...but there just isn't time) and now they are done.  I stitched the Colonial Couple, but I think I'll have them professionally finished.  You saw the star and the little freebie from Jeanette Douglas in the previous post.  I also found this adorable little stitch in the Nashville Market Cookbook from this year.  I love this dainty little stitch.  It's by Primrose Cottage.  I've stitched a few of hers lately, and just love her style!  This was stitched on 40 count mystery fabric over two.  I'm hoping to pop it in a small tart pan...but we'll see. 


I stitched the 2024 Snowman by Primrose Cottage earlier, then found out she had one from 2023.  Of course I had to stitch him too!  I have ONE ornament left from Hobby Lobby (I sure hope they have more this year!!!) and hope he fits in that one.  We will see!!  I want to finish him like the one from 2024.  Here they are so you will remember what I'm talking about.


This last one is from the Just Cross Stitch magazine Ornament Issue from 1998.  I have no idea when I started this one...it's been years though.  I started it and then lost hope, I was struggling with using two strands of floss on this 36 count fabric.  I finally decided (when I ran across it the other day) that I just needed to put on my big girl pants and "get er done".  I'll be honest and say the over one portion is not up to my usual standards, but I'm going with it because it is what it is.  LOL.  Now that it's finished (I was going to gift it to someone, but honestly, as I said, it's not up to snuff)...I'm looking forward to finishing it off and hanging it on my tree this year.  It turned out way cuter than the pattern picture showed!  This is Christmas Ornament 98 by Crossed Wing Collection from the 1998 JCS Ornament Issue stitched on 36 (possibly 40) count Legacy over two (parts over one).  

A while ago I found this beauty on another fellow stitcher's blog and fell in love.  You know how I love nativities!  I just had to stitch it!  So...I finally pulled it out yesterday and got started.  This is called Nativity Band Sampler by A New Creation Studio.  I'm stitching it on 32 count black over two.  So far I love it, though setting it up requires a lot of counting and I've already had to frog a few stitches here and there.  Stitching on black tends to slow me down too...but I love the colorful threads they call for.  

I also joined a SAL...I couldn't resist.  Tempting Tangles was showing pictures of their new SAL that started June 13th.  It's called Starry Stable - Nativity.  (Did someone say Nativity?....That's like shouting SQUIRREL to me...lol).  I stitched up the first part on the 14th on 32 count light blue (I think).  Oh my...I love it already!!  

So that's what my little fingers have been up to lately.  Now if I could just get the finishing bug I would be a happy camper.  It will be some time though...the guys have an early release today (the day before the Juneteenth holiday) and will have tomorrow off.  I never get much done while the Hubby is home.  He wants to see the new Planet of the Apes movie today, and who knows what tomorrow will bring.  I also have two new filing cabinets that were given to me to fill.  I see some sorting and possible giveaways coming soon!  I love to get organized but it usually takes so much time!!  

As for the past couple of weeks...lets see.  We went to see the Bowie Baysox game last weekend...it was Bluey day, and we had to take our little Bluey fan to meet him of course.  After which she ran the bases...I think the boys had trouble keeping up with her...lol.  Someone had to stay back and take pictures (that would be Gigi ... ME!). 


Then for a combination Father's Day and Birthday gift to our son, we took a tour of the nearby Guinness Brewery.  We learned a lot about the history..truly fascinating!  And of course sampled a few of their brews (I swear I only had four sips!!)  I did enjoy Guinness when I was in college...one of the few dark beers I truly like.  We love spending time with them and my granddaughter just knows how to wrap Gigi around her little finger!  No matter where I go she likes to eat from my plate (just like her Daddy) so when she wraps her arms around me and says "I love you Gigi", how can I say no?  

I guess that's all the news for now.  I hope the extremely hot weather here in the US hasn't got you down.  I'm not a fan of the heat...so I'll probably hibernate for the next week or so.  The kids have things planned though, so we'll see how it goes.  Take care and Happy Stitching!


Robin in Virginia said...

What wonderful finishes, DJ! I hope the snowman one fits in the tart pan. Your new nativity pieces are off to a great start. I discovered A New Creation Studio last year. I bought several and have stitched one which I gifted. Happy Tuesday!

Shelly said...

Busy fingers! Tempting Tangles get me with their little snatches of a new SAL! Looks like a fun day was had with Dad's and bday day😊