Friday, April 19, 2024

Getting Ready...

It's the start of IHSW (International Hermit and Stitch Weekend) and I thought I would show where I'm continuing with Anne Thomas 1854.  

I'm hoping to finish her up this weekend (fingers crossed because it's been a wild ride around here lately with unexpected things popping up).  This is a reproduction from Hands Across the Sea Samplers.  I've been stitching this on 40 count Pecan Butter over two.  I love the antique look of it as it has been emerging from the fabric.  I started this on January 1st of this year and stitched 5 pages a month hoping to finish by the end of April...I'm excited as I've been able to keep my schedule so far!  

I've had quite the month since April Fool's day (I should call it April Fool's month!!).  With a week away on vacation, then DH away for 5 days, and as I've said, stuff keeps popping up...but I've tried hard this month to fully finish a few things.  With a little luck (and some mind over matter determination) I hope to keep my New Year's Resolution and fully finish everything I stitch this year.  Since the last time I posted about is what I've accomplished...  

Floral Magenta by The Heart's Content  

Let It Snow by Blackberry Lane  

Chubby Fox by Jeannette Douglas  

Chubby Bunny by Jeannette Douglas  

Secret Visitor by Ellen Maurer-Stroh  

Light Upon The Lawn by Blackbird Designs  

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year by The Heart's Content.  

I have a few things set aside ready to finish, I'll see how far I get with Anne this weekend.  I need some backing fabric for a few things which I will have to we'll see how far I get.  Once Anne is finished I'll have a big decision to make...what project will I start next?  Hmmm....stay tuned!  Until then, Happy Stitching!


Robin in Virginia said...

What beautiful, finished pieces you shared, DJ! Well done! Anne is looking fabulous and I am keeping my fingers crossed that you get her over the finish line.

Erica said...

Your finishing is just lovely!

Sandra said...

You are such an inspiration. I love those little round boards for your 'Chubbies' they are the perfect size. I've just finished stitching Chubby Bee and shall be putting it in a tart tin the same as the others. I really like the Blackberry Lane design too, I shall certainly be looking for that one.

Katie said...

How beautiful are all your finishes!?! Love each one more than the last. Hope you were able to finish your piece. Hope things settle down for you soon.