It has literally been a whirlwind around here lately. Thankfully I have managed to stitch a little each day, but it's been a busy time for the family lately. I'm not going to show what I'm going to post for Gifted Gorgeousness yet, though I did finish a few things that fall into that category. I have been trying to stitch from stash this year, and what I'm going to show is from stash, but I must confess, we took a week to ourselves and I found a little needlework store that was just too tempting to pass up. More on that later.
First let me show you a few stitches... this one is Singing Sparrow by Sweet Wing Studio. I have always loved this song so couldn't resist picking it up a looooong time ago. It's stitched on 32 light blue over two. For me, it's a good reminder that no matter the circumstances, He is always watching over us.
The next two are from Jeannette Douglas, these are Chubby Fox, and Chubby Bunny. I've stitched the bunny before over one, and even though I display him, I wanted one a little bigger. These are both stitched on 40 count Vintage Country Mocha over two. Now to get them finished...
The next three are from the same chart pack, this is called A Walk Through The Garden Pin Keep Stack. All three were stitched on 36 count Mayflower by Fox and Rabbit. I dearly love how these came out! Also more for my finishing box, but I need to find some backing fabric...
That's all I'm going to show for now. I think I'll be back to stitching on Anne Thomas soon, I've missed her and with a little luck I'll finish her this month. Only 5 more pages to go!!
I mentioned we've been busy...well my dear husband will be away this week. I was supposed to go with him to Spokane, Washington but I've had some health issues that need to be taken care of before I go wandering around I decided to stay home. More time to stitch, right? compensation I guess, we planned a trip back to Pennsylvania. A few days in Hershey where we attended Mamma Mia at the Hershey Theater. What a lovely place! The cast of the show were amazing and we had such a fun time. The encore at the end was fabulous, we didn't want it to end!
Then we traveled to the Lancaster area where we found a little needlework store (what a fun time we had touring that place!). Here are some pictures of my haul and of the store...their wall of color was amazing! This is the Hodge Podge in Strasburg, Pennsylvania. 14 East Main Street.
Then went to see Daniel at Sight & Sound Theater. I've been to productions there before and they were fabulous, but this one was truly astounding. The costumes, and the set designs, I can't even begin to describe how truly wonderful it was. The firey furnace was amazing, I could feel the heat! And the lion's den, I don't know how they made those lions look real though I know it was some sort of video magic. It was truly a fabulous production!

We came home on Saturday, quickly shopped for groceries, did the laundry and went to bed early as we were up at 3:30 AM to take DH to the airport. Thankfully it's only 20 minutes away. I came back, went back to bed, then got up to watch Miss A while her parents went to a concert. My day ended just after 11 PM where I fell into bed exhausted. It took reading 10 books and about 50 choruses of "You Are My Sunshine" to coax her to sleep....but it's always a joy to spend time with her one on one! I'm going to miss my husband, but I'm looking forward to the next few days of peace and quiet.
Before our little trip, we also attended opening day for the Orioles baseball team. Always a fun day, especially with Little Miss A who always keeps us (and those sitting around us) entertained. From high fiving the ladies sitting behind us, to accepting the prize from the Cracker Jack package from the guy in front of us! Not to mention....they won!!
Then there was Easter, we attended a lovely brunch at Matthew's 1600 which had an amazing spread! It's always nice to spend the day with family!
So now you know where I've been, here there and everywhere it seems. I'm ready for a few days break with some time to rest my aching leg, sort through my stash, organize my house, it's a wreck as we've been in and out and not been able to really straighten up much. BUT I do hope to take a few minutes this afternoon and search the skies for the eclipse. It's supposed to be cloudy, and we are only getting about 80% coverage of the sun, still it's something to see! The last partial eclipse I saw was long before our son was born and we were living in Arizona. I'm a sky watcher from way this is right in my wheelhouse. I hope you all are safe and healthy wherever you are. Happy Stitching!