Sunday, June 27, 2021

In The Home Stretch!

We are getting pretty excited these days.  Now that our DIL is in her final trimester we are beginning to think ahead.  I've started making some things for her.  As I was thumbing through a book (2001 Cross Stitch Designs) I came across a page that was full of Nursery Rhymes and I thought, these would make a cute mobile.  I have about half the page done, and then I'll have to decide how I want to finish it off.  Any suggestions would be appreciated!  Here is what I have done so far,

Little Bo Peep

Hickory Dickory Dock

Humpty Dumpty

Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater

Jack and Jill

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Little Jack Horner

I'm having a lot of fun stitching these.  I do have a "problem" though...there are a few different characters in one rhyme, Hey Diddle Diddle.  I don't know if I should stitch them all on one piece, or individually.  Decisions, Decisons.  I'm hoping to have it finished and given to my DIL for her shower.  Wish me luck!  (I feel confident posting this her on my blog as she has never read my blog, I don't even think she has the address.)

I hope everyone is safe and well wherever you are.  If you are the praying kind, please keep our DIL in your prayers.  She has run into a few hiccups along the way and we are praying she keeps well as well as our grandbaby.  Happy Stitching!


diamondc said...

DJ: They are all so sweet, I am not sure about Hey Diddle Diddle, 93 days to go and soon a Grandbaby.


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

These are so cute! I think the Hey Diddle characters should be separate so you can hang them individually and keep them in scale to the other designs.
Hope your DIL is keeping well.