Thursday, February 4, 2021

Winter Quaker SAL

I love this project so much!  I thought I would post the February portion.  I have done a few patterns from Wiehenburg Designs and they are some of my favorite samplers I have hanging on my walls.  I haven't seen a lot of new things by Martina in a long while, and last I heard she had thought about not designing any more because some of her designs had been "stolen".  I feel awful for designers when copywrite is broken and they lose money because others are profiting illegally.  It's a shame when really good designers choose to stop designing because of this.  So when I saw this SAL, I didn't hesitate, I want Martina to know that I love her designs and to encourage her to continue.  If you would like to join in the SAL you can find the information to order her chart here.  

This is stitched on 28 count navy over one with the suggested colors.  She suggested stitching on a neutral color, but I couldn't find one that I liked.  I just hope the colors of the animals and trees stand out on the navy!!

I'll be back soon with an update on another SAL I'm working on right now, Modern Folk Embroidery.  This is another one I just can't seem to get enough of!  What a joy to find something that I love stitching on!

Till next time, stay safe, stay healthy, and Happy Stitching!!


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

This is just stunning on the navy. You can always makes the animals a shade or two lighter but they all show up well so far. And the white just glows!

Clare-Aimetu said...

This is a beautiful design, it looks amazing on your fabric. I'm tempted but cannot realistically do any more stitching with my current plans so I'll co rent myself watching your piece grow.

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

It's hard to imagine this design on a neutral colour as the your choice of navy is perfect. Love seeing how this is progressing.

Donna G. said...

The colors that you have chosen look great!

Katie said...

Oh wow I love it on the navy. Yes it is very sad when designers get their designs stolen. So sad indeed. Fantastic that you showed your support. We have to do our part.

Robin in Virginia said...

DJ, thank you for sharing your Winter Quaker SAL progress. It is looking good. Happy Saturday!