Happy Monday! It's a snow day here in the state of Maryland.
Seems the whole state has shut down! We aren't going to get as much as we did back in 2010 (click here) but winters here do seem to be a bit milder. Still we are talking about the mid-Atlantic where just a small amount of snow shuts the state down, they just don't have the equipment to handle it. The guys will be home today as they called a code red. Ben gets a day to go sledding with Little Miss Sassy Pants, and Mike gets a day to finish reading a book he borrowed from the library. Me...I'll be starting a new project.
I've chosen Fiona Rutherford by Wishing Thorn to be my blessings sampler this year. I hadn't heard of blessings samplers until just the other day, and while Snowplace Like Home would have sufficed (I think), I decided I would do a real sampler, and one I've been itching to start since I found it months ago. I just bought it for myself for Christmas this year! I'll show pictures later on.
I did manage to finish Snowplace Like Home by Primrose Cottage last night before the snow started to fall. My second finish of the New Year! Kind of appropriate considering the amount we are supposed to get today! Here it is, stitched on 36 count Vintage Country Mocha over two with DMC floss. I do love it!!
As the light begins to dawn here, I see that it's still snowing/sleeting and we've probably accumulated around 5 inches already! Maybe if the mood strikes I'll get some finishing done too. I'll have to look around and see what I can find. So...no matter where you are (and it seems there are a lot of places getting the white stuff today according to internet friends in the mid west, north east and even England) stay safe! May your needles have wings, your thread be knot-free, your lights bright, and eyes clear as you enjoy stitching while it snows! Happy Stitching!!
1 comment:
Hello DJ: We have no snow, had just a bit in December, it is cold here in Minnesota, only 10 above this morning at 5:00 am.
I hope you do not get dumped on with snow.
Love there is no showplace like
Home, I do believe I have this one in my stash.
I am looking forward to seeing the Blessings Sampler, I love Wishing Thorns designs.
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