Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Feeling MERRY

So... I've been a bit busy the past few days.  After finishing the Gather Winter series I took a look around at what I wanted to stitch next.  After I had finished Christmastide Sampler I never really got back to finish up the ornament that went with it.  So...I pulled that out and stitched it up.  I can't wait to fully finish the two of these now.  While I was hoping to finish them before the end of plans went a little cattywampus but I'll get into that later.  Here is the ornament stitched on 32 count Chalkboard Black over two.  I love how this turned out.  

Once that was finished I knew I only had a little time each day so picked up something small that would be easy to pick up and put down as needed.  I took a look at some of the things half finished and found Merry Christmas by Owl Forest Designs.  One of my goals this year is to finish the rest of the letters.  So...I finished the second R and the Y to make the full word MERRY.  This is a relatively easy project to carry around with me.  There are only 3 floss colors needed and 1 metallic thread.  I love the petite treasure braid as it covers well, only uses one strand, and is so easy to work with.  I have all the little hoops to fully finish each letter so when I'm finished stitching, I pop them in the hoop and voila'.  Easy peasy lemon squeezy!  These are stitched on 32 count Summer Khaki over two.   I love how each letter (even the duplicate letters) have their own different motifs surrounding them.  So cute!


I'm not sure what I'll pick up today, things are about to get busy here at DJ's Digs.  While our DIL still has some time left for her maternity leave, the business she works for is in desperate need of trained workers.  Several are out for various reasons and there is work that needs to be done by experienced has decided to go back a few days a week.   I was able to watch Miss Q on Monday (boy was I shattered by the end of the day) and will watch her again on Friday.  DH is having a procedure tomorrow which requires anesthesia and will need a driver so I'll be busy taking care of him.  Hopefully he will be sleeping the rest of the day afterward so I might be able to get a few stitches in then.  Wish me luck!  (Sometimes a sick DH is more work than a 2 month old...hahaha).  I have had people tell me I should be working, but when things like this happen, I'm happy to be available to help in other ways.  I've tried working since I finished chemo and it's just too overwhelming to me, and life is too short  to put up with the nonsense and body aches and pains.  It truly is a blessing to me to be able to help my family in other ways.  

And on that note, I'll get off this machine and go figure out what I'm going to do for the rest of the day.  I hope you all are safe and warm wherever you are.  I hear they are getting more snow in the North Country today, so I'll be praying for safety for my friends and family back in NY state.  My prayer list is getting very long as I'll be praying for the hurricane victims, and the Californians dealing with the fires, along with some friends who have asked for specific prayers for family and friends.  And as always, I'll be praying for our country.  Stay safe!  Happy Stitching!  


Katie said...

The letters are adorable. I do agree with you about not working I've been more thankful than the money would have been useful to be available when I'm needed. Never regretted it at all. Hope DH's procedure goes well.

Shelly said...

Best wishes to Mr Tickled Pink for a flawless procedure🤗and a good recovery. I love the Owl Forest ornaments; they are so pretty. Happy stitching!

Robin in Virginia said...

The letters you stitched are lovely, DJ. I think it is wonderful you are available to help out as needed especially tending your precious granddaughters. Praying your husband's procedure and recovery goes smoothly. Thinking of you.

Sandy said...

Beautiful stitching. Getting things finished is always such a good feeling. I sometimes wonder if we all who craft will ever finish all of our WIP? Sometimes startitis jumps in and delays the finishes. Hope things go well for your hubby with his procedure. And take care of yourself, as giving care to others can take it's toll.
Sandy's Space

diamondc said...

Hello DJ: The Sampler is lovely, Merry is a beautiful design, I too like that they have different motifs. Congratulations on two finishes.
Prayers are what work in our home, I truly believe in them.
Good luck to your husband on his procedure, Mike has one on Wednesday which he will need a driver also, it is not easy being a care giver when needed, I made a vow till death do us past and in sickness and health.

Have an amazing week.
