Friday, January 10, 2025

Fiona Rutherford 1866

I know I've been talking about this pattern by The Wishing Thorn for a while now.  It kept popping up in my newsfeed on Facebook so often that I finally decided I would gift it to myself as a Christmas present as it was on sale.  I started this on the 6th of January as my Blessings Sampler.  I would say I'm about a third of the way through.  I just love that little red house with the blue trim and wonder if that is what her house looked like.  It was suggested that it be stitched over one on 32 count...but I had some mystery coffee dyed fabric that I thought I would stitch it on.  Turns out it's 28 count, but that's ok, I still like how it looks.  So here she is in 1/3 of her  I'm hoping things will go faster now that that little house is finished.  Wish me luck!  I need all the blessings I can get!  

My heart is breaking over the wildfire stories coming from California.  What a horrendous tragedy those people are living through.  I'm been praying for them and I hope you will join me that they find peace, that there will be minimal loss of life, and that rather than pointing fingers, they come together and work together to piece their lives back together.  Yesterday was a day of mourning for President Jimmy Carter.  I watched the funeral and the eulogies that were given for him.  What an extraordinary life that man led.  While he wasn't the best president we have ever had, his life left much more of an impact than any other former president has had.  He was such a decent person, so rare to be found in Washington, DC these days.  My prayers continue for the family as they navigate their lives without their beloved father, grandfather and great grandfather.  Sorry for the downer, but my blog is not just about my stitching, it's a journal for me, one that marks important moments in my life that I choose to remember.  

Anyway, I'll be back working on Fiona today, and hoping to make some good progress.  There are other things I hope to stitch this month.  I hope you are enjoying some sunshine today as we are...even though it is still bitter cold here.  I received my 2025 stitching journal yesterday so I hope to catch up with stitch counts and other goals I hope to achieve this year in that as well.  Happy Stitching!   


Katie said...

Beautiful work. Enjoy.

Robin in Virginia said...

Fiona is looking good, DJ. I have this pattern, and eventually I will get around to stitching it. But she won't be tiny because I will stitch her over 2. We saw snippets of the funeral as well as snippets of the devastation of the fires in California. One of my goals this year is to limit my news intake. Happy Saturday!

diamondc said...

Hello DJ: Lovely progress on Fiona, IO love the dark red color of the house, you gotten a lot done since 1/6.
I pray every day that the fires are stopped and the people can start to rebuild their lives.
I did not watch the funeral I was volunteering so sad I missed it.


Shelly said...

Love the house of Fiona! I quit watching news 5 years ago but I'm catching bits of the fires in California and it's unbelievable. Adding my thoughts and prayers to yours.