Monday, January 20, 2025

Belated Christmas Gift

It was a busy day at the Powers house today.  We watched the inauguration until the kids showed up with a birthday dinner for Mike.  His birthday is tomorrow but since the guys were off today we decided to celebrate early.  It's always a good day when the family is together.  Our littlest princess is growing by leaps and bounds.  The kids left the girls with us as they did a little shopping, so we got to spend quality time with them.  And I found out today that I'll be spending one day a week with each of the two days a week I'll have one at a time.  I can hardly wait!!!  Mike was in charge of taking I didn't get a picture of Miss Sassy Pants, but here is one of Miss Q.  

She is becoming more animated and checking out her surroundings.  She sure has a temper, but when she's sweet, she's a sweetheart.  

I didn't take pictures of the gift I received last week from the Lovely Ms. Mouse until today.  She sent some lovely gifts and I loved them all.  Because of the cost of postage we have decided we will only be sending flat packages so this one will be cherished.  As always I was very spoiled.  I loved it all, and especially this bag she sent.  I can see so many uses for it, I'm excited to use it!  She is a talented seamstress and stitcher.  Thank you so much, Mouse!   

I started working on Quilted Pinecones last night.  I haven't had time to stitch today, so I'll show you how far I got last night.  I'm looking forward to getting this one finished!  

Next I think I'll work on Christmastide Christmas Ornament.  Getting these things finished is making me feel so accomplished!  And on that note, I'll bid you goodnight.  I'm exhausted taking care of two little ones...I think I'll sleep really well tonight!  Happy Stitching!!   


Clare-Aimetu said...

Two days of love and fun, super. Lovely gifts your received, postage is becoming a bit of a problem for many, not just cost but reliable service too. A great stitchy start

Robin in Virginia said...

You are off to a good start on the Pinecone piece, DJ. What lovely goodies you received from Miss Mouse! Miss Q is darling. Stay warm on this Tuesday.

Katie said...

How fun to have cuddle time. Beautiful gift from your friend. Great work on your new start.

Shelly said...

Lovely gifts from Mouse! Postage in the US is nuts in itself🤦🏻‍♀️I feel for stitchers overseas who pay almost more for shipping than what they've bought. I just downloaded the new wedding anniversary freebie from HOD, go check it out! Happy stitching!