Wednesday, April 21, 2021

HATS off

I've had a few days of stitching, finally!  It's been a wild few weeks.  Just a little update on us...we've been having a few medical tests.  DH had a mole on his back tested, which, thankfully, came back negative.  I too have had a few tests come back negative.  I guess with all the lockdowns we have had, our normal medical visits have been put on hold.  Not that we were anticipating anything being wrong, it's just nerve wracking when suddenly our Doctor has us go for all these tests.  I've also been to the dentist and all is good there too!  I guess, from the sounds of things, we will inhabit the Earth for a few more trips around the sun!  haha  

I've been asked how our little Momma-to-be is doing, so far so good!  No major problems for which we are grateful for!  Due date is anticipated on September 27th.  I can hardly wait!

I've been bouncing all over the place lately, with different projects.  I'm still caught up on all my SALs....I finished off April by Senerita di Campagna...I love most of the months in her SAL, this one is on the cutesy side which is not my favorite, but you know me, I have to complete the sets!

A friend sent me a gift of Spring Violets by Hands Across The Sea Samplers.  I loved it from the moment I first set eyes on it!  You know me and my love affair with violets!!  LOL  I found myself in a rut, stitching things in my rotation that I felt I HAD to stitch, so I threw caution to the wind, and picked up something to stitch for fun.  It was this one....and I'm hoping to finish today!  It's been hard to put down, but the last couple of days I had a lot of time on my hands so thought it would be fun to get it started.  Little did I know it would stitch up so fast!  This is stitched on 40 count antique butter cream over two.  I adore it, and hope I can get it framed when it's finished.  I'll let you know!  I know that the spelling on the chart for flowers is different than how I stitched it, but I just couldn't get past the old English eyes would have struggled every time I saw yes, I did change that.  Sorry, designers, but OCD took over!  LOL  Thank you so much Lady was such a thoughtful gift!

I guess that's all I've been doing for the past few days.  I'll try to be more consistent with posting, but the weekend is on it's way and the family have a lot of things planned. 


Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Two lovely seasonal designs. It's so nice to have an unscheduled start and finish sometimes! I think most people would have thought you'd made a mistake with the spelling so it was a good idea to change it.

Meari said...

Glad your test results came back negative. Love the bunny!!

mylene said...

Both lovely finishes, Deb.
Glad to hear all the test came out negative.