This is chemo week...and usually a very busy week. I was discharged from physical therapy otherwise I would have had more appointments this week, but thankfully that has ended. I had my last "fill up" at the plastic surgeons yesterday and though he thinks I'll need bigger implants than what he's "expanded" he seems to think he can work with what we've done. The next appointment won't be until March! YAY...MORE breathing room! I'm glad because I want to spend less time in Annapolis. I can't explain how I'm feeling, but I'm fed up with everything and maybe I'll have more time to do the things I want to do. We'll see. And today was my oncology appointment, with blood work to be done beforehand. It was early this morning, and oh how I HATE rush hour traffic! It was a day to ask"Why have I been getting nosebleeds when I've never had one before in my life?"....and "Why am I having gallbladder pain when I don't have one anymore?"...and "What do you think about my not having radiation?" (Always good to get a second opinion...and lo and behold...he agreed with DH and myself and the radiation oncologist that the risks far outweigh the benefits and that I'm probably doing myself a favor by not having it at this time!!)...and "Why is my pulse rate extremely high even when I'm resting? And could that be what is making me so extremely tired?"...and "Is it common to feel like I've been hit by a truck every time I have chemo?"... and "When can my cat get his rabies shot?" (Yes I had to ask, because rabies is a live vaccine and I can't be around anyone who has had a live vaccine...the answer is 3 weeks after I've finished chemo). Some questions were answered with..."I don't know, let's get you tested and find out." Just when I thought I was done with appointments, I have to make more. *huge sigh* It seems never ending. BUT... tomorrow is chemo, and I will have just about a week to recover before I HAVE to do something. Hopefully by the time I have to go for the ultrasound I'll be feeling a little better. AND...I will only have one more chemo treatment after that! YAY!!
I had to stop by medical records and pick up some paperwork after that appointment. DH and I had lunch, then home. I called the insurance company to see if I needed a referral for the ultrasound...and of course they said another call to my primary care physician to get the referral, and of course they said I don't need it. AARRRRRRRGH!! I am SO tired of this silly game!! So, I picked up the paperwork that I had received this morning and marched my tail over to the clinic to talk to them face to face. Other than giving them the paperwork THEY needed, I didn't get very far with my referral. Well, all I can say is...if I get a bill...heaven help them!
Back home I realized I had a message on my cell phone. It was a sister warrior in California calling. We met here, but she moved there to be closer to her family while she went through treatment. It seems we never have time to talk, or we miss each others calls or something, but today we had time, and we talked at length. I can't describe the bond we share with sister warriors. I guess because we are having such similar experiences, and life changing moments and it's good to share what helps in certain circumstances and to share similar thoughts and feelings. I've gotten close to quite a few sister warriors. They are incredible women!
While I was talking I got a call on my home phone, but waited to call back when I was done talking with my friend. It was the framing materials I had ordered, they were ready and my friend offered to bring them to me! After all the running around today, I was exhausted and was thankful that Sonya offered to bring them. So I spent the better part of the evening stretching and framing some cross stitch pieces. Here are the ones I finished...
This is only a few of the items I have stretched so far. I have a few more, but they will have to wait until later. I plan on decorating for Christmas the week of Thanksgiving, and am hoping to get everything together before then. I'm excited to get things done...and I hope I'll feel well enough after chemo to finish stretching and framing those items in the next few days. Wish me luck! Thanks again, Sonya, for dropping them by! I really appreciate it more than I can say!
Well, tomorrow's appointment is really early, so I should head off to bed. Wish me luck with chemo...I think I'm going to need it. Tomorrow will be number seven with only one more to go! YAY!
darn, I do wish we lived closer (lol) as I would be bringing all my pieces to you to be stretched and framed - would so much rather pay you than a certain shop we know! They look so good!
Your framing looks terrific! Keep asking all those questions as they come to you, and make a list for in-between appointments. I just did my semi-annual with my onco, and asked about going off the Femara--what then? He didn't have a clue, and mumbled about we will see what they have to say at that time (2012). Guess I am going to have to do the research myself! I will pray that these last two chemo treatments have less side effects for you, and that you can just pop right back into life as you know it! Hugs.
Sending you love thoughts (even tho I'm a few days late1)
Relax and try to feel as good as you are almost through this!
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