Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Be Like Dory....Keep On Stitching

Seems like ages since I updated my blog...I've been stitching, in between spending time with the youngest granddaughter and being nursemaid to DH.  I'll be like Dory but instead of swimming I'll keep on!!  It's been a crazy week!  (Just looked back to see how long it had's only been a week??  Good heavens WHAT A WEEK!!)  Where to begin?  

Let's start with some stitching.  Because of the nature of my week, I've been trying to find small projects that won't need a lot of paraphernalia to carry around.  I decided to just continue working on the letters to Merry Christmas by Owl Forest.  These are being stitched on 32 count Summer Khaki over two.  I fully finished the letters C and H, though it took longer than the other letters due to being so busy.  That's ok, that's two less letters I need to finish.  Here they are!  

I got a little bored working with the same colors and fabric, and decided I wanted to decorate my mantle for Valentine's Day, so picked out a couple of small Valentine patterns to hopefully fully finish quickly.  I started with the newest freebie from Hands on Design.  This is called You Have My Heart stitched on 40 count natural over two.  It's supposed to be stitched on 32 I think, but I didn't have it on hand or couldn't find it at the I did the best I could.  I like them small anyway.  It's supposed to be finished into a heart and I will as soon as I figure out how to do that...haha.  The template will be too big now so I'll have to work a little with it.  

I have more kitted up byt I really like this design by Jan Hicks Creates, also a freebie.  This is being stitched on 32 count antique ivory over one.  I'm hoping it will fit into a little frame I have that I found at the thrift store.  Here is the beginning.  I hope it works up quickly but I guess it will depend on what the family needs right now.  

So what is going on with the family?  Well, first off, I've been keeping the lovely Miss Q a few days.  She was here last Friday and then this past Monday.  She reminds me of that poem...There once was a girl who had a little curl, right in the middle of her forehead.  And when she was good she was very very good, but when she was bad she was horrid!  LOL!!  The minute she decides she is hungry you better be ready with that bottle!  Otherwise she turns into a demon child with an ear piercing scream.  You can tell when it's coming as she holds her breath, her face turns a lovely shade of purple...and then she lets you have it!  LOL!!  Don't get me wrong, I love this child...but I doubt my ears will ever be the same.  Hahaha.  But...let's start at the beginning.  

I want to thank those who have been praying for Mike.  Please don't stop!!  He has had a rough go, and it's only the beginning.  The procedure last Thursday didn't go as well as they hoped, and he will have to repeat it next Monday.  Lord, give me strength.  I love the man dearly, and I sincerely believe he was in pain, but it was nearly 48 hours of no sleep, no food, and no water which made him even more uncomfortable.  Which also meant I got very little sleep too.  

Friday dawned bright and early when Miss Q was left with me for the day.  She wasn't a happy camper that day either.  I'm not sure if it was her not feeling well, or the noises coming from upstairs where Mike was not entirely too quiet either.  It's possible between her screaming and him doing his thing they kept each other awake.  My nerves were shot by the end of the day when the kids asked if they could come for dinner.  I politely declined and went and screamed into my pillow.  LOL!!  Ok maybe I embellished that last part a little bit....I didn't scream but I sure felt like it.  My mantra for the day was "I love my family" over and over and over and...well you get the idea.  Please laugh with me, I'm really not complaining, I don't mind caring for my family.  Just some days are harder than others.  Saturday and Sunday were spent trying to get the Mr. to eat and drink and I finally dragged him out of the house for some fresh air and a trip to the grocery store to see if something there would make him hungry.  He finally had a little something to eat that night...and by Monday morning he was ready to go back to work.  He had lost 7 pounds over the long weekend.  

Monday afternoon Miss Q came for the afternoon.  Mike was feeling a little better after he returned home from work so he thought he would help with her.  Um...I think she prefers  Here is the contrast between him caring for her...and me.  

I'm beginning to think I'm the baby whisperer as even the kids can't put Miss Q down for a nap, but she will for me.  Maybe it's the quiet?  Maybe it's the temperature of the room?  Maybe it's how dark our living room is in the afternoon with the lights out.  Whatever it is, she will nap for around 30 minutes for me if she has a full tummy and the house is quiet.  The kids are in awe.  LOL!!  I let the kids talk us into going out that night to eat.  Tuesday was my rest day, and by then I truly needed a day!  That's when I got most of the stitching done.  I'll have the rest of the week to myself during the day so I'm going to take advantage of it.  Fingers crossed I'll get lots of stitching done!  LOL!!  I think I deserve it after this past week.  There is a storm headed our way tonight with ice/snow/sleet/rain predicted.  I'm praying it misses us, but we'll see.  It will be interesting if they have delays or even days off because of it.  I truly miss my quiet times  haha.  

Please continue to pray for Mike as his next procedure/adventure will be Monday the 10th.  Let's hope they can finally give the man some good news.  Poor man, seriously.  He doesn't do sickness well.  Until the next adventure...stay safe, healthy and warm, and Keep On Stitching!  


Katie said...

I so understand. I am the same way. I'll do anything for my family till I feel overwhelmed and I'm like okay go away haha. Glad the little kiddo is happy with you. Now enjoy your down time. I will definitely keep hubby in my thoughts.

Robin in Virginia said...

Continued prayers for Mike and his upcoming procedure. Continued prayers for you, DJ, because being a caregiver is hard work. The pieces you worked on and finished are lovely. You are off to a good start on the Jan Hicks piece. Thinking of you!

diamondc said...

Hi DJ: What a sweet post, congratulations on your stitching, I will be stitching the You Have My Heart design this week, just before Valentins day.
Love the Jan Hicks design, I think I have this one waiting for me in my basket.
Miss Q is so adorable and the photo with Grandfather is so sweet.
We have Mike in our daily Prayers, I hope all goes well for him.
I know you are not complaining but you have a load on your plate right now, things can get overwhelming.
Prayers sent above for Mike and of course you the care giver.


Sandy said...

Sounds like you need a vacation. Maybe the kids should bring you dinner instead of wanting to come to your house for meal you've prepared, given all the care giving you're giving. Hope hubby gets feeling better and Miss Q settles into a softer routine for you. Hang in there. A friend of mine who babysits quite a bit for her daughter said, you know....this reminds me why we have children when we're young. She says she's pooped afterwards.
Sandy's Space