Saturday, February 22, 2025

Well, it's about time!!

Good Morning!  It's been kind of a crazy week here (I'm beginning to think I live in crazy town).  Little Miss Sassy Pants came to stay over night on Sunday night.  Monday was a holiday but her parents had an appointment with Little Miss Cranky Pants early in the morning.  To save them some craziness we offered to have Miss A stay with us and as always her stay was full of busy fun.  She really is a delight!  Her parents have decided to share the girls and I have each of them one day a week...different days.  So Miss A came back for her regular day (now on Tuesdays)...and again, we had another day of fun.  We made ornaments (each year I measure the girls heights, cut a ribbon, and put them in a clear plastic ornament.  I attach a tag with their name and date and a little saying:  

Inside this little ornament 

You will plainly see 

A ribbon length of (measurement) 

To match the height of ME

I also include how much they grew from last year.  It's going to be a fun thing for their trees when they are older.  I'm not sure what I've done with previous years, but I'm going to search for them and make a box for all the ornaments I make for them.  Hopefully their parents will keep track of them.  

After Miss A left on Tuesday I started a new project (I have a TON of WIPs, but why not start another one?  LOL!!)  I have had this pattern in my stash for AGES.  I'm not even sure when I bought it, but I had it kitted, lost all the items for the kit...kitted it again, found the lost kit...and then decided to use a different fabric.  I had it all set to start on January first, but started something else instead.  I tell you, the older I get the more scatterbrained I become.  LOL!!  I finished a project on Monday and thought...I need something that will keep my interest...and my eyes fell on The Romantic Stitcher by Passione Ricamo.  It's about time she saw the light of day!  

I started Tuesday night.  I worked on her on Wednesday, and Thursday, and was Miss Q's day to visit.  Now Miss Q is barely 3 months old.  Babies are a lot of work.  I really enjoyed my time with Miss A when she was a baby.  Miss Q is quite a handful and by the end of the day I'm exhausted.  But...bonding at this age is so important, I'm so glad I'm able to spend time with these precious girls.  So...I didn't have as much time to stitch this week.  Hopefully next week will be a little better. is where I finished last night (Friday).  

This weekend is International Hermit and Stitch Weekend.  I was promised to have the whole weekend to stitch, let's see how much I can get stitched!  Wish me luck!! 

 As I was typing this, the kids texted to see if they could come over to look through some stuff they have stored here....well there goes the weekend!  LOL  You didn't wish me luck fast enough...hahahahaha.  Happy Stitching!  


Shelly said...

Good luck on stitching the weekend away! Those are my plans as work exhausts me but I did get a bit of stitching in before work yesterday. What a cute ornament idea for the grands! I like your thought process on your WIPs versus new starts🤣life is too short, start all the things! Happy stitching!

diamondc said...

Hello DJ: I love hearing about the girls, I bet they both are a hoot to have around.
I think that they both have you and Mike wrapped around your little finger.
Oh my goodness, the ribbon idea is amazing, what a sweet treat for them when they are grown.
Beautiful new start, this is such a pretty design, blue is one of my two favorite colors.


Sandy said...

There's a reason we have our children when we're young, taking care of them as we age takes lots of energy. It's nice you have a day with each vs having them both at the same time. One on one time is quality time. What a cute idea with the ribbons. Good luck the stitching, hope you get your wkend.
Sandy's Space

Robin in Virginia said...

You are off to a wonderful start on your new piece. What a neat ornament idea, DJ!

Toki said...

Hi DJ. What a great idea the ribbon gift you came up with.🙌 Passion Licamo’s romantic stitching is a pretty lovely design. I look forward to progress. And, You seem to have many goals. I hope you'll enjoy stitching.😉
Have a good day.

Katie said...

All the best laid plans. Never fails haha. Beautiful new start!