Thursday, October 24, 2024

George and Martha Gobbleton

As I was looking for other charts, I ran across A Gobbleton Couple by Aury TM and thought I would quickly stitch them for Thanksgiving.  I was able to finish stitching them so thought I would post them here real quick (and give you another chance to enter the giveaway) and tell you about a new start.  Here are George and Martha Gobbleton, stitched separately on 28 coffee dyed fabric over one.  I thought they came out really cute.  Now to decide how to fully finish them.  I'm thinking tart pan...but we'll see what I can scrape up in my stash.  I'll let you know when I decide.  

I also wanted to give you a heads up...I've decided to let my adorable granddaughter choose the names when the giveaway I'm preparing a basket with the names in them.  We have a weekend planned with her the first weekend in November so that is when we will choose the names.  I'll post the winners here when I have them, and you can send me your address through my gmail address.  I'll let you know when they go in the mail.  

I have a new project in the hoop.  I may be sorry I started this  As you all know grandbaby number 2 is due in November and Little Miss Cutie Pie will be moving to her new room.  She loves anything Moana so I thought I would stitch something for her to hang in her room.  I found this pattern...  

And started stitching it yesterday.  Um...I know call me crazy...I'm working on 28 count white over one.  There are over 10,000 stitches in this pattern.  UGH!!  I may not have it finished in time for the move to her new room...but I'm going to try.  It's full of confetti.  Wish me luck!  I think she will really love it though!  

Ok I guess that's all for now.  I hope you are enjoying the fall colors and cooler weather... I know I am!!  I had a little ladies day out with my friend Marie yesterday.  I don't know what it is about her, but she makes me belly laugh so hard.  It was just what I needed.  I hope you have friends like that, and see them often.  Do take care, stay healthy, and Happy Stitching!!


Shelly said...

The Gobbletons are too cute! They'd look great in tart pans👍🏼Good luck with the Moana piece, it's a doozy but worth it.

Robin in Virginia said...

Oh DJ, Martha and George look so darling. I can't wait to see how you finish them. The Moana piece is amazing and I know your granddaughter will love her. Happy Friday and have a great weekend!